EM Papers by date descending

Dickyricky's Remedial Repository


2024_07_04 NEJM Acute Abdomen in the Modern Era.pdf
2024_04_20 BMJ New advances in type 1 diabetes.pdf
2024_04_13 BMJ Therapeutic advances in rheumatoid arthritis.pdf
2024_01_01 Ten Second Triage A Novel and Pragmatic Approach to Major Incident Triage.pdf
2023_20_28 Spinal metastases and metastatic spinal cord compression summary of NICE guidelines.pdf
2023_11_22 JAMA Psychiatry Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Medications and Long-Term Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases.pdf
2023_06_10 BMJ Are hard collars necessary for older people with odontoid neck fractures.pdf
2023_06_01 BMJ Prevention of venous thromboembolism in patients with cancer.pdf
2023_05_12 Alcohol Clin Exp Res Medications for treating alcohol use disorder A narrative review.pdf
2023_04_01 EMJ Drink and injection spiking how to approach an increase in presentations.pdf
2023_03_01 EMJ High-potency benzodiazepine misuse in opioid dependent patients use naloxone with care.pdf
2023_03_01 EMJ Does pre-injury clopidogrel use increase the risk of intracranial haemorrhage post head injury in adult patients A systematic review and meta-analysis.pdf
2023_02_08 BMJ Immediate management of acute psychological trauma in conflict zones.pdf
2023_01_14 BMJ Is immobilisation required for toddler’s fracture of the tibia.pdf
2023_01_01 EMJ Thromboprophylaxis in ambulatory emergency department patients managed with lower limb immobilisation after injury.pdf
2023_01_01 EMJ Pulmonary embolism management in the emergency department part 2.pdf
2022_12_01 EMJ Semi-rigid knee splints for injury and risk of symptomatic venous thromboembolism an exploratory retrospective analysis.pdf
2022_12_01 EMJ Pulmonary embolism diagnosis part 1 clinical assessment at the front door.pdf
2022_11_26 BMJ Supporting healthcare workers with work related stress.pdf
2022_11_01 EMJ Starting anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation in the emergency department safely.pdf
2022_09_10 BMJ Medical photography using mobile devices.pdf
2022_09_10 BMJ Gout diagnosis and management—summary of NICE guidance.pdf
2022_09_03 BMJ How should aerosol generating procedures be defined.pdf
2022_09_03 BMJ Acute vertigo getting the diagnosis right.pdf
2022_09_01 Resuscitation Plus Ex vivo evaluation of personal protective equipment in hands-on defibrillation.pdf
2022_08_20 BMJ Which treatments are safe and effective to reduce intracranial pressure following severe traumatic brain injury.pdf
2022_08_20 BMJ Heat illnesses in clinical practice.pdf
2022_08_15 EMJ New NHS Prehospital Major Incident Triage Tool from MIMMS to MITT.pdf
2022_07_26 Resuscitation Effect of calcium vs. placebo on long-term outcomes in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.pdf
2022_07_25 Acad Emerg Med Comparative efficacy of sedation or analgesia methods for reduction of anterior shoulder dislocation A systematic review and network meta-analysis.pdf
2022_07_02 Lancet Immobilisation of torus fractures of the wrist in children (FORCE).pdf
2022_07_01 EMJ Non-sterile gloves and dressing versus sterile gloves dressings and drapes for suturing of traumatic wounds in the emergency department.pdf
2022_06_29 Acad Emerg Med Periosteal block versus intravenous regional anesthesia for reduction of distal radius fractures A randomized controlled trial.pdf
2022_06_20 Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med A Delphi study of rescue and clinical subject matter experts on the extrication of patients following a motor vehicle collision.pdf
2022_06_01 EMJ SONO case series right upper quadrant point-of-care ultrasound in assessment of the gallbladder.pdf
2022_03_07 Lancet Resuscitation with blood products in patients with trauma-related haemorrhagic shock receiving prehospital care (RePHILL).pdf
2022_02_15 BMJ Diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis with D-dimer adjusted to clinical probability - prospective diagnostic management study.pdf
2022_02 JAMA Effect of Intra-arrest Transport, Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, and Immediate Invasive Assessment and Treatment on Functional Neurologic Outcome.pdf
2022_01_24 JAMA RECOVERY RS Effect of Noninvasive Respiratory Strategies on Effect of Noninvasive Respiratory Strategies on Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure and COVID-19.pdf
2022_01_22 BMJ Surgical fixation with K-wires versus casting in adults with fracture of distal radius DRAFFT2 multicentre randomised clinical trial.pdf
2022_01_18 NEJM Balanced Multielectrolyte Solution versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults - PLUS Trial.pdf
2022_01_18 NEJM Balanced Crystalloids versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults — A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis.pdf
2022_01_15 BMJ Managing snakebite.pdf
2022_01_01 EMJ SONO case series an 85-year old woman with left hip pain.pdf
2022_01_01 Am J Emerg Med Emergent cardiac outcomes in patients with normal electrocardiogram in the emergency department.pdf
2021_12_01 EMJ We Need to Talk About Codeine an Implementation Study to reduce the number of Emergency Department patients discharged on high-strength co-damol using the Behaviour Change Wheel.pdf
2021_12_01 EMJ Studying ApOx in the ED forget associations, the truth is in the design.pdf
2021_12_01 EMJ Evaluation of a state law on opioid-prescribing behaviour and the void affecting codeine-containing antitussive syrup.pdf
2021_11_30 JAMA Effect of Intravenous or Intraosseous Calcium vs Saline on Return of Spontaneous Circulation in Adults With Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.pdf
2021_11_24 Circulation Anterior–Lateral Versus Anterior–Posterior Electrode Position for Cardioverting Atrial Fibrillation - EPIC.pdf
2021_11_18 NEJM Early Treatment for Covid-19 with SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody Sotrovimab.pdf
2021_11_17 Curr Cardiol Rep Diagnosis of Occlusion Myocardial Infarction in Patients with Left Bundle Branch Block and Paced Rhythms.pdf
2021_11_02 JAMA Effect of Amoxicillin Dose and Treatment Duration on the Need for Antibiotic Re-treatment in Children With Community-Acquired Pneumonia The CAP-IT Trial.pdf
2021_11_01 J Trauma Acute Care Surg The small (14 Fr) percutaneous catheter (P-CAT) (28–32 Fr) open chest tube for traumatic hemothorax A multicenter randomized clinical trial.pdf
2021_11_01 Chest Safety of Thoracentesis and Tube Thoracostomy in Patients With Uncorrected Coagulopathy.pdf
2021_11_01 Ann Surg Efficacy and Safety of Nonantibiotic Outpatient Treatment in Mild Acute Diverticulitis (DINAMO-study).pdf
2021_11_01 Ann Emerg Med What is the Efficacy of Initial Therapies for Bleeding from Esophageal Varices in Adult Patients with Cirrhosis.pdf
2021_10_16 BMJ Vaccine induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis summary of NICE guidance.pdf
2021_10_16 BMJ A living WHO guideline on drugs for covid-19.pdf
2021_10_08 Resuscitation Pre-charging the defibrillator before rhythm analysis reduces hands-off time in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with shockable rhythm.pdf
2021_10_02 BMJ Early computed tomography coronary angiography in patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome randomised controlled trial.pdf
2021_10_02 BMJ Common intestinal stoma complaints.pdf
2021_10_02 BMJ Biliary colic - 10 minute consultation.pdf
2021_10_01 JAMA Effect of Vasopressin and Methylprednisolone vs Placebo on Return of Spontaneous Circulation in Patients With In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.pdf
2021_10_01 EMJ Variation in referral rates to emergency departments and inpatient services from a GP out of hours service and the potential impact of alternative staffing model.pdf
2021_10_01 EMJ Determination of potential risk characteristics for cauda equina compression in emergency department patients presenting with atraumatic back pain.pdf
2021_10_01 EMJ Compression asphyxia and other clinicopathological findings from the Hillsborough Stadium disaster.pdf
2021_10_01 Ann Emerg Med Electrocardiographic Diagnosis of Acute Coronary Occlusion Myocardial Infarction in Ventricular Paced Rhythm Using the Modified Sgarbossa Criteria.pdf
2021_09_25 BMJ Management of acne vulgaris summary of NICE guidance NG198.pdf
2021_09_04 Lancet Inhaled budesonide for COVID-19 in people at high risk of complications in the community in the UK (PRINCIPLE).pdf
2021_09_01 EMJ Utility of bedside leucocyte esterase testing to rule out septic arthritis.pdf
2021_09_01 EMJ SONO case series peritonsillar abscess.pdf
2021_09_01 EMJ Multicentre external validation of the Canadian Syncope Risk Score to predict adverse events and comparison with clinical judgement.pdf
2021_09_01 EMJ Cardiovascular complications of prehospital emergency anaesthesia in patients with return of spontaneous circulation following medical cardiac arrest a retrospec.pdf
2021_08_10 JAMA Effect of Slower vs Faster Intravenous Fluid Bolus Rates on Mortality in Critically Ill Patients - BaSICS trial.pdf
2021_08_10 JAMA Effect of Intravenous Fluid Treatment With a Balanced Solution vs 0.9% Saline Solution on Mortality in Critically Ill Patients The BaSICS Randomized Clinical Trial.pdf
2021_08_04 CJEM Just the facts ultrasound guidance for arthrocentesis.pdf
2021_08_02 Ann Emerg Med Rapid Agitation Control with Ketamine in the Emergency Department A Blinded, Randomized Controlled Trial.pdf
2021_08_01 EMJ Randomised controlled trial comparing immobilisation in above-knee controlled ankle motion boots in undisplaced paediatric spiral tibial fractures.pdf
2021_07_28 Scan J Trauma Comparing methods to secure a tracheal tube placed via a surgical cricothyroidotomy.pdf
2021_07_10 BMJ Virtual consultation for red eye.pdf
2021_07_10 BMJ Lumbar spinal stenosis.pdf
2021_07_08 BMJ Efficacy, acceptability, and safety of muscle relaxants for adults with non-specific low back pain - systematic review and meta-analysis.pdf
2021_07_06 BMJ Use of cast immobilisation versus removable brace in adults with an ankle fracture - multicentre randomised controlled trial.pdf
2021_07_01 NEJM Treatment of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children.pdf
2021_07_01 NEJM Cerebral Venous Thrombosis.pdf
2021_06_26 BMJ Treatment of opioid use disorder in primary care.pdf
2021_06_17 NEJM TTM2 - Hypothermia versus Normothermia after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.pdf
2021_06_15 Pre-Print RECOVERY REGEN-COV.pdf
2021_06_01 Ann Emerg Med Lumbar Puncture After Negative Imaging in Patients With Suspected Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.pdf
2021_05_29 BMJ Atrial fibrillation diagnosis and management—summary of NICE guidance.pdf
2021_05_27 Stroke P2Y12 Inhibitors Plus Aspirin Versus Aspirin Alone in Patients With Minor Stroke or High-Risk Transient Ischemic Attack.pdf
2021_05_27 Injury Diagnostic accuracy of physical examination findings for midfacial and mandibular fractures.pdf
2021_05_15 BMJ Screening and management of atrial fibrillation in primary care.pdf
2021_05_14 Lancet Convalescent plasma in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY) a randomised controlled, open-label, platform trial.pdf
2021_05_01 Lancet Tocilizumab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY) a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial.pdf
2021_05_01 EMJ SONO case series How to perform and interpret a first trimester transabdominal point-of-care ultrasound.pdf
2021_05_01 BMJ Postural hypotension.pdf
2021_04_19 Acad Emerg Med Most emergency department patients meeting sepsis criteria are not diagnosed with sepsis at discharge.pdf
2021_04_09 NEJM Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCov-19 Vaccination.pdf
2021_04_09 NEJM Thrombosis and Thrombocytopenia after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccination.pdf
2021_04_05 JAMA Association of Intravenous Radiocontrast With Kidney Function A Regression Discontinuity Analysis.pdf
2021_04_01 Trauma Firework discharge leading to cerebral contusion and motor paraplegia.pdf
2021_04_01 Eur J Emerg Med The interobserver agreement of the HEART-score, a multicentre prospective study.pdf
2021_04_01 EMJ Projected paediatric cervical spine imaging rates with application of NEXUS, Canadian C-Spine and PECARN clinical decision rules in a prospective Australian cohort.pdf
2021_04_01 Ann Emerg Med When Safety Event Reporting Is Seen as Punitive.pdf
2021_03_27 BMJ Severe covid-19 pneumonia pathogenesis and clinical management.pdf
2021_03_20 Acad Emerg Med Surgical decompression for space-occupying hemispheric infarction.pdf
2021_03_10 PLOS ONE Clinical prediction rule for SARS-CoV-2 infection from 116 U.S. emergency departments 2-22-2021.pdf
2021_03_08 Stroke Management of Central Retinal Artery Occlusion.pdf
2021_03_07 Lancet Discontinuing β-lactam treatment after 3 days for patients with community-acquired pneumonia in non-critical care wards (PTC) a double-blind, randomised, plac.PDF
2021_03_01 Ann Emerg Med Short-Term Topical Tetracaine Is Highly Efficacious for the Treatment of Pain Caused by Corneal Abrasions A Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial.pdf
2021_03_01 Ann Emerg Med A Randomized Trial Comparing the Efficacy of Five Oral Analgesics for Treatment of Acute Musculoskeletal Extremity Pain in the Emergency Department.pdf
2021_02_25 NEJM Dexamethasone in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19.pdf
2021_02_23 Jama Single vs Serial Measurements of Cardiac Troponin Level in the Evaluation of Patients in the Emergency Department With Suspected Acute Myocardial Infarction.pdf
2021_02_21 Ann Emerg Med The Use of Tranexamic Acid to Reduce the Need for Nasal Packing in Epistaxis (NoPAC) Randomized Controlled Trial.pdf
2021_02_20 BMJ Do not routinely offer imaging for uncomplicated low back pain.pdf
2021_02_05 NEJM Muscarinic Cholinergic Receptor Agonist and Peripheral Antagonist for Schizophrenia.pdf
2021_02_01 EMJ SONO case series a 63-year-old male with shortness of breath.pdf
2021_01_30 Am J Emerg Med The impact of using different age-adjusted cutoffs of D-dimer in the diagnosis of pulmonary thromboembolism.pdf
2021_01_25 Anaesth Intensive Care Substance use disorder in anaesthetists A personal perspective.pdf
2021_01_23 BMJ Cauda equina syndrome.pdf
2021_01_23 BMJ Acute coronary syndromes summary of updated NICE guidance.pdf
2021_01_21 EMJ Usability of electronic health record systems in UK EDs.pdf
2021_01_14 SJTREM A comparison of the demographics, injury patterns and outcome data for patients injured in motor vehicle collisions who are trapped compared to those patients who are not tr.pdf
2021_01_09 Lancet Safety and efficacy of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (AZD1222) against SARS-CoV-2 an interim analysis of four randomised controlled trials in Brazil, South Africa, and.pdf
2021_01_07 BMJ What level of immobilisation is necessary for treatment of torus (buckle) fractures of the distal radius in children.pdf
2021_01_01 EMJ SONO case series 59-year-old woman with abdominal pain and bloating.pdf
2021_01_01 EMJ Emergency department interventions for adult patients with low back pain a systematic review of randomised controlled trials.pdf
2020_12_28 JAMA Intern Med Treatment and Outcomes of Inpatient Hypertension Among Adults With Noncardiac Admissions.pdf
2020_12_12 BMJ Assessment and management of shoulder dislocation.pdf
2020_12_10 CJEM Just the Facts Fascia iliaca compartment block for hip fracture pain management.pdf
2020_12_08 J Emerg Med Comparison of the ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) vs. NSTEMI and Occlusion MI (OMI) vs. NOMI Paradigms of Acute MI.pdf
2020_12_03 Am J Emerg Med Comparison of sustained rate control in atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular rate Metoprolol vs. Diltiazem.pdf
2020_12_01 EMJ SONO case series soft tissue infections, abscesses, pyomyositis and necrotising fasciitis.pdf
2020_12_01 EMJ SONO case series point-of-care ultrasound for fracture diagnosis.pdf
2020_12_01 EMJ Crisis clinical pathway for COVID-19.pdf
2020_12 _01 Arch Dis Child Case for change a standardised inpatient paediatric early warning system in England.pdf
2020_11_24 JAMA Effect of Nebulized Magnesium vs Placebo Added to Albuterol on Hospitalization Among Children With Refractory Acute Asthma A Randomized Clinical Trial.pdf
2020_11_23 CMAJ Mortality among patients with frequent emergency department use for alcohol-related reasons in Ontario a population-based cohort study.pdf
2020_11_21 BMJ Using antibiotics wisely for respiratory tract infection in the era of covid-19.pdf
2020_11_21 BMJ Diabetic ketoacidosis with SGLT2 inhibitors.pdf
2020_11_14 Lancet Intravenous alteplase for stroke with unknown time of onset guided by advanced imaging systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data.pdf
2020_11_10 Acad Emerg Med Diagnostic Accuracy of the HINTS Exam in an Emergency Department A Retrospective Chart Review.pdf
2020_11_07 BMJ Virology, transmission, and pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2.pdf
2020_11_04 Ann Emerg Med Intravenous Haloperidol Versus Ondansetron for Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (HaVOC) A Randomized, Controlled Trial.pdf
2020_11_01 Trauma and Acute Care Surgery Blunt cerebrovascular injury The case for universal screening.pdf
2020_11_01 EMJ SONO case series soft tissue infections, abscesses, pyomyositis and necrotising faciitis.pdf
2020_11_01 EMJ Identification of very low-risk acute chest pain patients without troponin testing - HEAR score.pdf
2020_11_01 Am J Cardiol Comparison of intravenous flecainide, propafenone, and amiodarone for conversion of acute atrial fibrillation to sinus rhythm.pdf
2020_10_26 JAMA Risk of Overcorrection in Rapid Intermittent Bolus vs Slow Continuous Infusion Therapies of Hypertonic Saline for Patients With Symptomatic Hyponatremia The SALSA Trial.pdf
2020_10_26 ADC Fifteen-minute consultation Does this child have COVID-19 (and does it matter).pdf
2020_10_24 Acad Emerg Med Low-dose Ketamine For Acute Pain Control in the Emergency Department A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.pdf
2020_10_16 ADC Impact of oral corticosteroids on respiratory outcomes in acute preschool wheeze a randomised clinical trial.pdf
2020_10_15 JAMA Netw Open Association of Prehospital Plasma With Survival in Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury A Secondary Analysis of the PAMPer Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial.pdf
2020_10_14 Derivation and validation of a clinical severity score for acutely ill adults with suspected COVID-19 The PRIEST observational cohort study.pdf
2020_10_13 Intensive Care Med Viscoelastic haemostatic assay augmented protocols for major trauma haemorrhage (ITACTIC) a randomized, controlled trial.pdf
2020_10_12 SJTREM Oxygenation strategies prior to and during prehospital emergency anaesthesia in UK HEMS practice (PREOXY survey).pdf
2020_10_10 BMJ Neonatal sepsis.pdf
2020_10_10 BMJ Autonomic dysreflexia in spinal cord injury.pdf
2020_10_05 NEJM A Randomized Trial Comparing Antibiotics with Appendectomy for Appendicitis.pdf
2020_10_05 JAMA Surgery Tranexamic Acid During Prehospital Transport in Patients at Risk for Hemorrhage After Injury - STAAMP.pdf
2020_10_03 BMJ Corticosteroids for covid-19 a WHO guideline.pdf
2020_10_01 Postgrad Med J Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) presentation, diagnosis and treatment.pdf
2020_10_01 EMJ Perspectives of emergency department attendees on outcomes of resuscitation efforts origins and impact on cardiopulmonary resuscitation preference.pdf
2020_10_01 EMJ Frequent attendances at emergency departments in England.pdf
2020_10_01 BJA Pharmacokinetics of intramuscular tranexamic acid in bleeding trauma patients a clinical trial.pdf
2020_10_01 Ann Emerg Med The Prognostic Value of Syncope on Mortality in Patients With Pulmonary Embolism A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.pdf
2020_10_01 Ann Emerg Med Outcome of Immediate Versus Early Antibiotics in Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.pdf
2020_10_01 Ann Emerg Med Accuracy of Emergency Department Clinical Findings for Diagnosis of Coronavirus Disease 2019.pdf
2020_09_30 Resuscitation Randomized trial of the i-gel supraglottic airway device versus device versus tracheal intubation during out of hospital cardiac arrest (AIRWAYS-2).pdf
2020_09_28 Acad Emerg Med Corticosteroids for Sore Throat.pdf
2020_09_26 BMJ Remdesivir for severe covid-19 a clinical practice guideline.pdf
2020_09_24 NEJM Case 30-2020 A 54-Year-Old Man with Sudden Cardiac Arrest.pdf
2020_09_23 CJEM Burnout and depression among Canadian emergency physicians.pdf
2020_09_19 BMJ Tick Bite.pdf
2020_09_15 JAMA Association of Intra-arrest Transport vs Continued On-Scene Resuscitation With Survival to Hospital Discharge Among Patients With Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.pdf
2020_09_12 BMJ Testing for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.pdf
2020_09_09 NEJM Pharmacologic Treatment of Attention Deficit–Hyperactivity Disorder.pdf
2020_09_09 BMJ Risk stratification of patients admitted to hospital with covid-19 using the ISARIC WHO Clinical Characterisation Protocol development and validation of the 4C M.PDF
2020_09_08 JAMA Effect of Out-of-Hospital Tranexamic Acid vs Placebo on 6-Month Functional Neurologic Outcomes in Patients With Moderate or Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.pdf
2020_09_08 EMJ Combatting COVID-19 is ultrasound an important piece in the diagnostic puzzle.pdf
2020_09_02 JAMA Effect of Hydrocortisone on Mortality and Organ Support in Patients With Severe COVID-19.pdf
2020_09_01 EMJ Top 10 evidence-based countermeasures for night shift workers.pdf
2020_09_01 EMJ SONO case series 35-year-old male patient with flank pain.pdf
2020_09_01 EMJ Risk of significant traumatic brain injury in adults with minor head injury taking direct oral anticoagulants a cohort study and updated metaanalysis.pdf
2020_09_01 EMJ Evidence-based medicine and COVID-19 what to believe and when to change.pdf
2020_09_01 Can Geriatr J Using the Clinical Frailty Scale in Allocating Scarce Health Care Resources.pdf
2020_09_01 Ann Emerg Med Validation of the Clinical Frailty Scale for Prediction of Thirty-Day Mortality in the Emergency Department.pdf
2020_09_01 Ann Emerg Med Clinical Policy Critical Issues Related to Opioids in Adult Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department.pdf
2020_09_01 Ann Emerg Med Can We Predict Severe Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome.pdf
2020_08_31 SJTREM Cutaneous impact location a new tool to predict intracranial lesion among the elderly with mild traumatic brain injury.pdf
2020_08_31 JAMA Cardiol. Multichannel Electrocardiograms Obtained by a Smartwatch for the Diagnosis of ST-Segment Changes.pdf
2020_08_29 NEJM Early Rhythm-Control Therapy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation.pdf
2020_08_29 Injury Prehospital fluid administration in patients with severe traumatic brain injury A systematic review and meta-analysis.pdf
2020_08_27 BMJ Clinical characteristics of children and young people admitted to hospital with covid-19 in United Kingdom prospective multicentre observational cohort study.pdf
2020_08_22 BMJ Insect bites.pdf
2020_08_22 BMJ How to move beyond quality improvement projects.pdf
2020_08_18 JAMA Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Corticosteroids, and Thiamine on Organ Injury in Septic Shock.pdf
2020_08_11 Acad Emerg Med Outpatient Treatment of Low-risk Pulmonary Embolism in the Era of Direct Oral Anticoagulants A Systematic Review.pdf
2020_08_08 Acad Emerg Med A Randomized Controlled Trial of Novel Loop Drainage Technique Versus Standard Incision and Drainage in the Treatment of Skin Abscesses.pdf
2020_08_01 EMJ Colles’ type distal radial fractures undergoing manipulation in the ED a multicentre observational cohort study.pdf
2020_08_01 Ann Emerg Med Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography to Diagnose Dislocated Shoulders A Prospective Cohort.pdf
2020_07_26 Pharmacology Modes of drug elimination and bioactive metabolites.pdf
2020_07_25 BMJ Computed tomography of covid-19 pneumonia.pdf
2020_07_22 Dental & Maxillofacial Anaesthesia Sedation for dental and other procedures.pdf
2020_07_17 Trauma Have changes in computerised tomography guidance positively impacted detection of cervical spine injury in children A review of the Trauma Audit and Research Network data.pdf
2020_07_16 NEJM Ticagrelor and Aspirin or Aspirin Alone in Acute Ischemic Stroke or TIA.pdf
2020_07_15 J Bone Joint Surg Am Risk of Nonunion with Nonselective NSAIDs, COX-2 Inhibitors, and Opioids.pdf
2020_07_10 BMJ Evidence-based medicine and COVID-19 what to believe and when to change.pdf
2020_07_09 NEJM Degenerative Cervical Spondylosis.pdf
2020_07_07 Acad Emerg Med The Impact of Advanced Practice Provider Staffing on Emergency Department Care Productivity, Flow, Safety, and Experience.pdf
2020_07_04 Lancet Ambulatory management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax an open-label, randomised controlled trial.pdf
2020_07_01 JAMA Association of Checklist Use in Endotracheal Intubation With Clinically Important Outcomes.pdf
2020_07_01 J Am Acad Dermatol Buffered lidocaine 1%, epinephrine 1in100’000 with sodium bicarbonate (hydrogen carbonate) in a 3in1 ratio is less painful than a 9in1 ratio.pdf
2020_07_01 Ann Emerg Med Does β-Blockade for Treatment of Refractory Ventricular Fibrillation Improve Outcomes.pdf
2020_07_01 Ann Emerg Med Comparative Effectiveness of Interventions in Initial Management of Spontaneous Pneumothorax A Systematic Review and a Bayesian Network Meta-analysis.pdf
2020_06_25 NEJM Salicylate Toxicity.pdf
2020_06_19 Lancet Effects of a high-dose 24-h infusion of tranexamic acid on death and thromboembolic events in patients with acute gastrointestinal bleeding (HALT-IT).pdf
2020_06_17 Stroke Intravenous Fibrinolysis for Central Retinal Artery Occlusion.pdf
2020_06_13 BMJ Fractures of the scaphoid.pdf
2020_06_13 BMJ Covid-19 and acute kidney injury in hospital NG175 summary.pdf
2020_06_06 ADC Throat and ear infections in children URTI in the time of COVID-19.pdf
2020_06_04 NEJM Bedbugs.pdf
2020_06_01 Europace Pharmacologic cardioversion of recent-onset atrial fibrillation a systematic review and network meta-analysis.pdf
2020_06_01 EMJ Prognostic accuracy of the quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA)-lactate criteria for mortality in adults.pdf
2020_05_28 NEJM Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure.pdf
2020_05_26 Ann Emerg Med Ondansetron Prescription Is Associated With Reduced Return Visits to the Pediatric Emergency Department for Children With Gastroenteritis.pdf
2020_05_23 BMJ Venous thromboembolism in adults summary of updated NICE guidance on diagnosis, management, and thrombophilia testing.pdf
2020_05_21 NEJM Endovascular Thrombectomy with or without Intravenous Alteplase in Acute Stroke.pdf
2020_05_19 BMJ EMB Thrombolysis with alteplase 3–4.5 hours after acute ischaemic stroke trial reanalysis adjusted for baseline imbalances.pdf
2020_05_14 NEJM Transient Ischemic Attack.pdf
2020_05_14 Ann Emerg Med What Is the Accuracy of the Aortic Dissection Detection Risk Score.pdf
2020_05_10 J Emerg Med Treatment of Headache in the Emergency Department Haloperidol in the Acute Setting (THE-HA Study) A Randomized Clinical Trial.pdf
2020_05_09 Emerg Med Australas CLUE COVID-19 Lung Ultrasound in Emergency Department..pdf
2020_05_09 BMJ Necrotising fasciitis.pdf
2020_05_07 NEJM Ebola.pdf
2020_05_01 Heart Limit of detection of troponin discharge strategy versus usual care randomised controlled trial - LoDED.pdf
2020_04_30 NEJM Ingestion of Caustic Substances.pdf
2020_04_24 Acad Emerg Med Accuracy of Signs and Symptoms for the Diagnosis of Community-acquired Pneumonia A Meta-analysis.pdf
2020_04_04 BMJ Quality improvement into practice.pdf
2020_04_04 BMJ Covid-19 a remote assessment in primary care.pdf
2020_04_02 NEJM Anorexia Nervosa.pdf
2020_04_01 Trauma A useful technique of reduction for distal radius fractures.pdf
2020_04_01 EMJ Bringing value, balance and humanity to the emergency department The Right Care Top 10 for emergency medicine.pdf
2020_04_01 Ann Emerg Med Which Elements of the History and Examination Suggest a Cardiac Cause of Syncope.pdf
2020_04_01 Ann Emerg Med The Utility of Midline Intravenous Catheters in Critically Ill Emergency Department Patients.pdf
2020_04_01 Ann Emerg Med Routine Ultrasonography Use in Cardiopulmonary Resusciation.pdf
2020_04_01 Ann Emerg Med Are Balanced Crystalloid Solutions Better Than Normal Saline Solution for the Resuscitation of Children and Adult Patients.pdf
2020_04_01 Acad Emerg Med Randomized Trial of Therapy Dogs Versus Deliberative Coloring (Art Therapy) to Reduce Stress in Emergency Medicine Providers.pdf
2020_03_28 BMJ Bowen's disease.pdf
2020_03_23 JAMA Intern Med Multicenter Emergency Department Validation of the Canadian Syncope Risk Score.pdf
2020_03_21 BMJ When to suspect a non-melanoma skin cancer.pdf
2020_03_21 BMJ Management of dependent use of illicit opioids.pdf
2020_03_19 NEJM Hereditary Angioedema.pdf
2020_03_18 NEJM A Trial of Lopinavir-Ritanovir in Adults Hospitalized with Severe Covid-19.pdf
2020_03_18 Ann Intensive Care Lower mortality of COVID‑19 by early recognition and intervention experience from Jiangsu Province.pdf
2020_03_16 MJA Consensus statement Safe Airway Society principles of airway management and tracheal intubation specific to the COVID-19 adult patient group.pdf
2020_03_14 BMJ Coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) a guide for UK GPs.pdf
2020_03_14 BMJ Blurred vision.pdf
2020_03_07 BMJ Groin pain in athletes.pdf
2020_03_01 J Acad Emerg Med Ibuprofen Plus Acetaminophen Versus Ibuprofen Alone for Acute Low Back Pain An Emergency Department–based Randomized Study.pdf
2020_02_28 NEJM Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China.pdf
2020_02_27 NEJM The Modern Epidemic of Syphilis.pdf
2020_02_27 Ann Emerg Med Comparative Effectiveness of Interventions in Initial Management of Spontaneous Pneumothorax A Systematic Review and a Bayesian Network Meta-analysis.pdf
2020_02_01 Lancet Electrical versus pharmacological cardioversion for emergency department patients with acute atrial fibrillation (RAFF2).pdf
2020_02_01 Lancet Atrial fibrillation cardioversion in the emergency department - editorial.pdf
2020_02_01 Eur Heart J Maximum-fixed energy shocks for cardioverting atrial fibrillation.pdf
2020_02_01 EMJ Blunt chest trauma in the elderly an expert practice review.pdf
2020_02_01 Ann Emerg Med Risk Stratification of Older Adults Who Present to the Emergency Department With Syncope - The FAINT Score.pdf
2020_02_01 Addiction The overall effect of parental supply of alcohol across adolescence on alcohol-related harms in early adulthood.pdf
2020_01_30 NEJM Conservative versus Interventional Treatment for Spontaneous Pneumothorax.pdf
2020_01_28 BMJ Adapting Lean methods to facilitate stakeholder engagement and co-design in healthcare.pdf
2020_01_20 BMJ What is the best method for managing early miscarriage.pdf
2020_01_18 BMJ Paracetamol for pain in adults.pdf
2020_01_16 NEJM Suicide.pdf
2020_01_16 Ann Emerg Med Ultralong Versus Standard Long Peripheral Intravenous Catheters A Randomized Controlled Trial of Ultrasonographically Guided Catheter Survival.pdf
2020_01_15 BMJ Is there a place for intra-articular corticosteroid injections in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis.pdf
2020_01_02 NEJM Alcohol Abstinence in Drinkers with Atrial Fibrillation.pdf
2020_01_02 NEJM A Sober Reality Alcohol, Abstinence, and Atrial Fibrillation Editorial.pdf
2020_01_01 Ann Emerg Med Cool Running Water First Aid Decreases Skin Grafting Requirements in Pediatric Burns A Cohort Study of Two Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-five Children.pdf
2019_12_26 Injury Incidence of intracranial bleeding in seniors presenting to the emergency department after a fall a systematic review.pdf
2019_12_12 NEJM Metoprolol for the Prevention of Acute Exacerbations of COPD.pdf
2019_12_12 NEJM Beta-Blockers in COPD - A Controversy Resolved Editorial.pdf
2019_12_07 Lancet Respir Med Effect of a fluid bolus on cardiovascular collapse among critically ill adults undergoing tracheal intubation (PrePARE) a randomised controlled trial.pdf
2019_12_07 BMJ Pre-arrest and intra-arrest prognostic factors associated with survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest systematic review and meta-analysis.pdf
2019_12_07 BMJ Ablation therapy in atrial fibrillation.pdf
2019_12_06 Stroke Prospective Implementation of the Ottawa Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Rule and 6-Hour Computed Tomography Rule.pdf
2019_12_01 JACC Electrocardiographic Diagnosis of Life-Threatening STEMI Equivalents.pdf
2019_11_28 NEJM Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism with d-Dimer Adjusted to Clinical Probability.pdf
2019_11_14 NEJM Acute Upper Airway Obstruction.pdf
2019_11_09 BMJ Management of ulcerative colitis summary of updated NICE guidance NG130.pdf
2019_11_07 NEJM Acute Severe Hypertension.pdf
2019_11_02 BMJ Hypertension in adults summary of updated NICE Guidance NG136.pdf
2019_10_31 NEJM Schizophrenia.pdf
2019_10_31 Emerg Med Australias Diagnosis of urinary tract infection in older persons in the emergency department To pee or not to pee, that is the question.pdf
2019_10_26 Lancet Sepsis hysteria excess hype and unrealistic expectations.pdf
2019_10_19 BMJ Efficacy of antibiotic treatment in patients with chronic low back pain and Modic changes.pdf
2019_10_19 BMJ Can surgery be avoided in patients with symptomatic gallstone disease and no complications.pdf
2019_10_14 Lancet Effects of tranexamic acid on death, disability, vascular occlusive events and other morbidities in patients with acute traumatic brain injury (CRASH-3).pdf
2019_10_05 BMJ When should unexpected weight loss warrant further investigation to exclude cancer.pdf
2019_10_05 BMJ Peptic ulcer disease.pdf
2019_10_01 Trauma Initial CABC Advances that have led to increased survival in military casualties.pdf
2019_09_26 Acad Emerg Med Drug Order in Rapid Sequence Intubation.pdf
2019_09_21 BMJ Diagnosis and management of hypertension in pregnancy summary of updated NICE guidance NG133.pdf
2019_09_15 Spine Bladder Scans and Postvoid Residual Volume Measurement Improve Diagnostic Accuracy of Cauda Equina Syndrome.pdf
2019_09_14 BMJ Acute vertigo.pdf
2019_09_01 Pediatrics Changes in the Management of Children With Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (BRUEs).pdf
2019_09_01 EMJ The panoramic dental radiograph for emergency physicians.pdf
2019_09_01 Ann Emerg Med The Utility of Midline Intravenous Catheters in Critically Ill Emergency Department Patients.pdf
2019_09_01 Ann Emerg Med Imaging in Suspected Renal Colic Systematic Review of the Literature and Multispecialty Consensus.pdf
2019_08_29 NEJM Adrenal Crisis.pdf
2019_08_29 Emerg Radiol Early whole-body CT for treatment guidance in patients with return of spontaneous circulation after cardiac arrest.pdf
2019_08_29 Ann Emerg Med Demystifying Lactate in the Emergency Department.pdf
2019_08_24 BMJ Management of colorectal cancer.pdf
2019_08_15 NEJM Warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia.pdf
2019_08_10 BMJ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease summary of updated NICE guidance.pdf
2019_08_01 Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Clinical Practice Guideline Sudden Hearing Loss.pdf
2019_08_01 EMJ Recognising bias in studies of diagnostic tests part 2 interpreting and verifying the index test.pdf
2019_07_27 BMJ Oesophageal cancer.pdf
2019_07_26 Am J Emerg Med Utility of plain abdominal radiography in adult ED patients with suspected constipation.pdf
2019_07_22 Acad Emerg Med Tranexamic Acid for Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding.pdf
2019_07_20 NEJM C-Reactive Protein Testing to Guide Antibiotic Prescribing for COPD Exacerbations.pdf
2019_07_20 BMJ Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrom.pdf
2019_07_18 NEJM Drug-Induced Liver Injury - Types and Phenotypes.pdf
2019_07_13 BMJ Vestibular migraine.pdf
2019_07_13 BMJ Fertility awareness based methods for pregnancy prevention.pdf
2019_07_11 NEJM Haemolytic Transfusion Reactions.pdf
2019_07_10 NEJM Measels.pdf
2019_07_06 BMJ Syphilis.pdf
2019_07_06 BMJ Investigating thrombocytosis.pdf
2019_07_04 West J Emerg Med Skill Proficiency is Predicted by Intubation Frequency of Emergency Medicine Attending Physicians.pdf
2019_07_01 EMJ Recognising Bias in Studies of Diagnostic Tests Part 1 Patient Selection.pdf
2019_06_29 BMJ Investigating acute kidney injury in primary care.pdf
2019_06_22 BMJ Are guidelines for monitoring chronic disease in primary care evidence based.pdf
2019_06_20 NEJM Nonnarcotic Methods of Pain Management.pdf
2019_06_20 NEJM Heatstroke.pdf
2019_06_20 Ann Emerg Med Conversion to Persistent or High-Risk Opioid Use After a New Prescription From the Emergency Department.pdf
2019_06_15 BMJ Carbon monoxide poisoning.pdf
2019_06_13 NEJM Management of Burns.pdf
2019_06_13 NEJM Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear.pdf
2019_06_06 NEJM Prevention of Opioid Overdose.pdf
2019_06_01 BMJ Giant Cell Arteritis.pdf
2019_06_01 BMJ Avascular necrosis of the hip.pdf
2019_06_01 Ann Emerg Med Cool Running Water First Aid Decreases Skin Grafting Requirements in Pediatric Burns.pdf
2019_06_01 Acad Emerg Med What Is the Specificity of the Aortic Dissection Detection Risk Score in a Low-prevalence Population.pdf
2019_05_30 NEJM Open versus Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.pdf
2019_05_30 NEJM Contrast-Associated Acute Kidney Injury.pdf
2019_05_25 BMJ Thyroid hormones treatment for subclinical hypothyroidism a clinical practice guideline.pdf
2019_05_25 BMJ Is cranial computed tomography unnecessary in children with a head injury and isolated vomiting.pdf
2019_05_23 NEJM Global Elimination of Chronic Hepatitis.pdf
2019_05_02 NEJM Transcatheter Aortic-Valve Replacement with a Balloon-Expandable Valve in Low-Risk Patients.pdf
2019_05_02 Lancet Safety and Efficacy of the SNAP 12-hour Acetylcysteine Regimen for the Treatment of Paracetamol Overose.pdf
2019_05_01 EMJ Major incident triage and the evaluation of the Triage Sort as a secondary traige method.pdf
2019_05_01 EMJ Could this be measles.pdf
2019_05_01 Chest ED Door-To-Antibiotic Time and Long-term Mortality in Sepsis.pdf
2019_05_01 Ann Emerg Med Prevalence of Pulmonary Embolism Among Emergency Department Patients With Syncope.pdf
2019_05_01 Am J Respir Crit Care Med Early Use of Norepinephrine in Septic Shock Resuscitation (CENSER).pdf
2019_04_25 NEJM Hazardous Chemical Emergencies and Poisonings.pdf
2019_04_25 NEJM Hazardous Chemical Emergencies and Poisonings appendix.pdf
2019_04_22 Acad Emerg Med The Yield of Computed Tomography of the Head Among Patients Presenting With Syncope.pdf
2019_04_18 NEJM Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Arrythmias.pdf
2019_04_18 BMJ Is surgery effective in patients with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome.pdf
2019_04_17 Lancet Levetiracetam versus phenytoin for second-line treatment of paediatric convulsive status epilepticus (EcLiPSE).pdf
2019_04_17 Lancet Levetiracetam versus phenytoin for second-line treatment of convulsive status epilepticus in children (ConSEPT).pdf
2019_04_12 BMJ Primary care management of chest pain after coronary artery bypass surgery.pdf
2019_04_11 NEJM Coronary Angiography after Cardiac Arrest without ST-Segment Elevation.pdf
2019_04_06 BMJ An unusual cause of headache - Perimesencephalic SAH.pdf
2019_04_04 NEJM Full Study Report of Andexanet Alfa for Bleeding Associated with Factor Xa Inhbitors.pdf
2019_04_01 Trauma The Management of Penetrating Neck Injury.pdf
2019_03_30 BMJ Multiple eruptive ulcers in a patient with quiescent ulcerative colitis.pdf
2019_03_29 Ann Emerg Med Utility and Survivorship of Peripheral Intravenous Intravenous Catheters Inserted in the Emergency Department.pdf
2019_03_27 Ann Emerg Med Prehospital Analgesia With Intranasal Ketamine (PAIN-K) A Randomized Double-Blind Trial in Adults.pdf
2019_03_25 Am J Emerg Med Orthostatic vital signs do not predict 30 day serious outcomes in older emergency department patients with syncope.pdf
2019_03_21 NEJM Pregnancy-Adapted YEARS Algorithm for Diagnosis of Suspected Pulmonary Embolism.pdf
2019_03_21 IDSA Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria.pdf
2019_03_18 NEJM The RACE to Treat Atrial Fibrillation.pdf
2019_03_18 NEJM Early or Delayed Cardioversion in Recent-Onset Atrial Fibrillation.pdf
2019_03_16 BMJ Health Anxiety.pdf
2019_03_16 BMJ Can environmental assessment and modification prevent falls in community dwelling older people.pdf
2019_03_16 BMJ Adrenalin can restart the heart, but is no good for the brain.pdf
2019_03_09 BMJ Assessing an acutely disturbed person in the community.pdf
2019_02_25 Clin Toxicol A randomized controlled study comparing high-dose insulin to vasopressors or combination therapy in a porcine model of refractory.pdf
2019_02_21 NEJM Initial Care of the Severely Injured Patient.pdf
2019_02_21 NEJM Direct Oral Anticoagulants for Thromboprophylaxis in Ambulatory Patients with Cancer.pdf
2019_02_21 NEJM Apixaban to Prevent Venous Thromboembolism in Patients with Cancer.pdf
2019_02_19 BMJ Open Novel use of tranexamic acid to reduce the need for Nasal Packing in Epistaxis (NoPac) randomised controlled trial research protocol.pdf
2019_02_12 GUT Diagnosis and management of acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding guidelines from the British Society of Gastroenterology.pdf
2019_02_04 Ann Emerg Med Clinical Practice Guideline for Emergency Department Procedural Sedation With Propofol.pdf
2019_02_01 Injury Major trauma Does weekend attendance increase 30-day mortality.pdf
2019_02_01 EMJ UK’s initial operational response and specialist operational response to CBRN and HazMat incidents a primer on decontamination.pdf
2019_01_21 NEJM Oral versus Intravenous Antibiotics for Bone and Joint Infection.pdf
2019_01_19 BMJ How to get started in quality improvement.pdf
2019_01_19 BMJ Herpes zoster ophthalmicus.pdf
2019_01_19 BMJ HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).pdf
2019_01_12 BMJ Herpes zoster infection.pdf
2019_01_10 NEJM Acute Infection and Myocardial Infarction.pdf
2019_01_09 BMJ Sepsis related acute kidney injury.pdf
2019_01_05 BMJ Periocular Rash.pdf
2019_01_03 NEJM Understanding Links among Opioid Use, Overdose, and Suicide.pdf
2019_01_02 Injury Major trauma Does weekend attendance increase 30-day mortality.pdf
2019_01_01 Pediatric Emergency Care Is Fixing Pediatric Nail Bed Injuries With Medical Adhesives as Effective as Suturing.pdf
2019_01_01 J Trauma Acute Care Surg Clearing the cervical spine in patients with distracting injuries An AAST multi-institutional trial.pdf
2019_01_01 EMJ Understanding the management of patients with head injury taking warfarin - Lessons from the AHEAD Study.pdf
2019_01_01 EMJ Prehospital determinants of successful resuscitation after traumatic and non-traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.pdf
2019_01_01 Ann Emerg Med Should Adults With Mild Head Injury Who Are Receiving Direct Oral Anticoagulants Undergo CT.pdf
2019 Intensive Care Med A management algorithm for patients with intracranial pressure monitoring the Seattle International Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Consensus Conference (SIBICC).pdf
2018_12_28 JAMA Paediatrics Effect of Intranasal Ketamine vs Fentanyl on Pain Reduction.pdf
2018_12_13 NEJM Substance-Use Disorders in Later Life.pdf
2018_12_13 BMJ Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma when jumping from aircraft - randomized controlled trial.pdf
2018_12_08 BMJ Assessment and initial management of acute undifferentiated fever in tropical and subtropical regions.pdf
2018_12_07 JAMA Association Between Early Intravenous Fluids Provided by Paramedics and Subsequent In-Hospital Mortality Among Patients With Sepsis.pdf
2018_12_04 Am J Emerg Med Hemorrhagic risk and intracranial complications in patients with minor head injury (MHI) taking different oral anticoagulants.pdf
2018_12 EMJ Collapse in the scrum.pdf
2018_11_29 BMJ HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).pdf
2018_11_21 FRAM method in Sepsis Pathways.pdf
2018_11_14 JAMA Nonoperative Management of Uncomplicated Appendicitis Among Privately Insured Patients.pdf
2018_11_04 EMJ Approach to syncope in the emergency department.pdf
2018_11_03 BMJ Renal replacement therapy NG107 .pdf
2018_10_30 Acad Emerg Med Assessing Risk of Future Suicidality in Emergency Department Patients.pdf
2018_10_27 BMJ Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding.pdf
2018_10_24 BMJ Oxygen therapy for acutely ill medical patients.pdf
2018_10_23 J Paediatr Child Health Everything is awesome Don’t forget the Lego.pdf
2018_10_18 NEJM Effect of Aspirin on Disability-free Survival in the Healthy Elderly.pdf
2018_10_18 NEJM Brain Change in Addiction as Learning, Not Disease.pdf
2018_10_17 JAMA Surgery Effect of Cricoid Pressure Compared With a Sham Procedure in the Rapid Sequence Induction of Anesthesia.pdf
2018_10_17 Heart Diagnostic accuracy of the T-MACS decision aid with a contemporary point-of-care troponin assay.pdf
2018_10_13 BMJ What treatments are effective for common cold in adults and children.pdf
2018_10_13 BMJ Managing long term indwelling urinary catheters.pdf
2018_10_11 NEJM Timing of Renal-Replacement Therapy in Patients with Acute Kidney Injury and Sepsis.pdf
2018_10_01 Resuscitation Implementation of the Cardiac Arrest Sonographic Assessment (CASA) Protocol.pdf
2018_10 Eu J EM Enhanced triage for patients with suspected cardiac chest pain HE-MACS.pdf
2018_10 EMJ Interventions to improve patient flow in emergency departments an umbrella review.pdf
2018_10 Ann Intern Med Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism During Pregnancy.pdf
2018_10 Ann Emerg Med The 2018 Surviving Sepsis Campaign’s Treatment Bundle.pdf
2018_10 Ann Emerg Med Intramuscular Midazolam, Olanzapine, Ziprasidone or Haloperidol for Treating Acute Agitation.pdf
2018_10 Acad Emerg Med A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Ketamine as an Alternative to Opioids for Acute Pain in The ED.pdf
2018_09_29 BMJ Chronic heart failure in adults summary of updated NG106.pdf
2018_09_22 BMJ Prostate Cancer Screening.pdf
2018_09_22 BMJ Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.pdf
2018_09_15 BMJ Pancreatitis -summary of NICE guideline NG104.pdf
2018_09_14 EMJ Do all HEART Scores beat the same evaluating the interoperator reliability of the HEART Score.pdf
2018_09_08 BMJ New diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in primary care.pdf
2018_09_08 BMJ Corticosteroid therapy for sepsis.pdf
2018_09_05 BMJ Prostate cancer screening with PSA rapid recommendation.pdf
2018_09_01 BMJ Managing scarlet fever.pdf
2018_09 Nature Intravenous fluid therapy in critically ill adults.pdf
2018_09 BJ Hosp Med What should we do about crowding in Emergency Departments.pdf
2018_09 Ann Emerg Med Should Adults With Mild Head Injury Who Are Receiving Direct Oral Anticoagulants Undergo CT.pdf
2018_09 Acad Emerg Med Multicenter Evaluation of the YEARS Criteria in Emergency Department Patients Evaluated for Pulmonary Embolism.pdf
2018_09 AJEM The controversial role of dual sequential defibrillation in shockable cardiac arrest.pdf
2018_08_30 NEJM Case 27-2018 A 3-Year-Old Boy with Seizures.pdf
2018_08_28 Lancet High-sensitivity troponin in the evaluation of patients with suspected ACS.pdf
2018_08_28 JAMA Effect of a Strategy of a Supraglottic Airway Device vs Tracheal Intubation During Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. The AIRWAYS-2 Randomized Clinical Trial.pdf
2018_08_25 EHJ Fourth universal definition of myocardial Infarction (2018).pdf
2018_08_23 Ann EM Diagnostic Imaging in Emergency Medicine - How Much is Too Much.pdf
2018_08_18 BMJ Overdiagnosis in primary care.pdf
2018_08_18 BMJ Diagnosis and management of rheumatoid arthritis NG100.pdf
2018_08_11 Acad Emerg Med Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Procedural Amnesia and Respiratory Depression Between Moderate and Deep Sedation With Propofol.pdf
2018_08_09 NEJM Acute Viral Encephalitis.pdf
2018_08_04 BMJ Primary and metastatic brain tumours in adults NG99.pdf
2018_08_04 BMJ Latest guidance on the management of gout.pdf
2018_08 EMJ Paediatric traumatic cardiac arrest algorithm.pdf
2018_08 Ann Emerg Med The Newest Threat to Emergency Department Procedural Sedation.pdf
2018_08 Ann Emerg Med Is Low-Dose Ketamine an Effective Alternative to Opioids.pdf
2018_08 Ann Emerg Med Are Corticosteroids Superior to Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in the Treatment of Acute Gout.pdf
2018_07_26 NEJM Prehospital Plasma during Air Medical Transport in Trauma Patients at Risk for Hemorrhagic Shock - PAMPer.pdf
2018_07_19 NEJM Clopidogrel and Aspirin in Acute Ischemic Stroke and High-Risk TIA.pdf
2018_07_19 Acad Emerg Med Low-dose Magnesium Sulfate Versus High Dose in the Early Management of Rapid Atrial Fibrillation.pdf
2018_07_18 NEJM A Randomized Trial of Epinephrine in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest - PARAMEDIC2 trial.pdf
2018_07_14 BMJ Pulmonary arterial hypertension.pdf
2018_07_06 JEM Ketamine for Rapid Sedation of Agitated Patients.pdf
2018_07_05 NEJM Primary Care and the Opioid-Overdose Crisis.pdf
2018_06_18 JAMA Effect of Tamsulosin on Passage of Symptomatic Ureteral Stones.pdf
2018_06_18 BMJ The trauma call.pdf
2018_06_16 BMJ The trauma call timeline.pdf
2018_06_14 NEJM Clinical Trial of Fluid Infusion Rates for Pediatric Diabetic Ketoacidosis.pdf
2018_06_09 BMJ Chronic pancreatitis.pdf
2018_06_05 Acad Emerg Med Predictors of Oral Antibiotic Treatment Failure for Non-Purulent Skin and Soft Tissue Infections.pdf
2018_06_02 BMJ Altitude sickness and acetazolamide.pdf
2018_06 EMJ Sepsis-3 and simple rules.pdf
2018_05_15 Lancet Tranexamic acid for hyperacute primary IntraCerebral Haemorrhage (TICH-2).pdf
2018_05_14 Ann Emerg Med Abscess Incision and Drainage With or Without Ultrasonography.pdf
2018_05_06 EMJ Fluid therapy in the emergency department.pdf
2018_05 Circulation Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Infants and Children With Cardiac Disease - AHA Statement.pdf
2018_04_28 Lancet Mortality and morbidity in acutely ill adults treated with liberal versus conservative oxygen therapy (IOTA) a systematic review and meta-analysis.pdf
2018_04_26 NEJM Toxidrome Recognition in Chemical-Weapons Attacks.pdf
2018_04_21 BMJ Posterior circulation ischaemic stroke.pdf
2018_04_21 BMJ An approach to hip pain in a young adult.pdf
2018_04_19 ICM The Surviving Sepsis Campaign Bundle 2018 Update.pdf
2018_04_14 BMJ Lyme disease.pdf
2018_04_12 NEJM Diagnostic Use of Base Excess in Acid–Base Disorders.pdf
2018_04_05 EMJ Risk stratifying chest pain patients in the emergency department using HEART, GRACE and TIMI.pdf
2018_04 Pediatr Crit Care Med Low-Dose Epinephrine Boluses for Acute Hypotension in the PICU.pdf
2018_04 Lancet Mortality and morbidity in acutely ill adults treated with liberal versus conservative oxygen therapy.pdf
2018_04 EMJ Orthostatic blood pressure recovery patterns in suspected syncope.pdf
2018_04 EMJ Lung ultrasound a useful tool in the assessment of the dyspnoeic patient.pdf
2018_04 Chest Conservative Management in Traumatic Pneumothoraces An Observational Study.pdf
2018_04 Am J Emerg Med Prevalence of pulmonary embolism in patients presenting with syncope.pdf
2018_03_29 NEJM Are We Prepared for Nuclear Terrorism.pdf
2018_03_23 Evidence-Based Clinical Practice in Otolaryngology - Epistaxis An Update on Contemporary Evidence-Based Approach.pdf
2018_03_22 NEJM A Randomized Trial of High-Flow Oxygen Therapy in Infants with Bronchiolitis.pdf
2018_03_17 BMJ Bradyarrythmias and pacemakers.pdf
2018_03_03 BMJ Optimising sleep for night shifts.pdf
2018_02_24 BMJ Degenerative cervical myelopathy.pdf
2018_02_24 BMJ Deep vein thrombosis.pdf
2018_02_17 BMJ Antibiotics after incision and drainage for uncomplicated skin abscess.pdf
2018_02_07 NEJM Adjunctive Glucocorticoid Therapy in Patients with Septic Shock - ADRENAL trial.pdf
2018_02_03 BMJ Peripheral arterial disease.pdf
2018_02 Intensive Care Med Prognostic accuracy of age-adapted SOFA, SIRS, PELOD-2, and qSOFA for in-hospital mortality in children.pdf
2018_02 EMJ Elevated mortality among weekend hospital admissions.pdf
2018_01_27 BMJ Fever in the returning traveller.pdf
2018_01_25 NEJM Hemorrhagic Shock.pdf
2018_01_20 BMJ Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation.pdf
2018_01_18 NEJM Toxic Alcohols.pdf
2018_01_16 Circulation Diagnostic Accuracy of the Aortic Dissection Detection Risk Score Plus D-Dimer for Acute Aortic Syndromes.pdf
2018_01_13 BMJ Urgent reversal of vitamin K antagonists.pdf
2018_01_13 BMJ Chronic limb threatening ischaemia.pdf
2018_01_12 Emerg Med Australas Don’t just do something, stand there!.pdf
2018_01_11 NEJM Multiple Sclerosis.pdf
2018_01_06 BMJ Acute rotator cuff tears.pdf
2018_01_04 NEJM Favism and Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency.pdf
2018_01 EMJ Understanding cardiac troponin part 2.pdf
2018_01 EMJ Understanding cardiac troponin part 1.pdf
2018_01 Ann Emerg Med Safety Consideration and Guideline-Based Safe Use Recommendation for Bolus-Dose Vassopressors.pdf
2018_01 Acad Emerg Med Peripheral Intravenous Cannula Insertion and Use in the Emergency Department.pdf
2017_12_07 NEJM Necrotizing Soft-Tissue Infections.pdf
2017_12_07 NEJM Necrotizing Soft-Tissue Infections Pathogenesis.pdf
2017_12_02 BMJ Oral anticoagulants for prevention of stroke in atrial fibrillation.pdf
2017_12 Acad Emerg Med Prospective Validation of Clinical Score for Males Presenting With an Acute Scrotum - TWIST score.pdf
2017_11_30 NEJM Case 37-2017 - A 36-Year-Old Man with Unintentional Opioid Overdose.pdf
2017_11_18 BMJ Diabetic foot.pdf
2017_11_18 BMJ Acute respiratory distress syndrome.pdf
2017_11_13 CMAJ Validation of the Ottawa Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Rule.pdf
2017_11_04 BMJ Can we usefully stratify patients according to suicide risk.pdf
2017_11_04 BMJ Allergic eye disease.pdf
2017_10_26 Ann Emerg Med Transesophageal Echocardiography Guidelines for Point-of-Care Applications in Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation.pdf
2017_10_22 Resuscitation Early coronary angiography in patients resuscitated from out of hospital cardiac arrest without ST-segment elevation.pdf
2017_10_14 BMJ Which pain medications are effective for sciatica.pdf
2017_10_12 NEJM Delirium in Hospitalized Older Adults.pdf
2017_10_09 Acad Emerg Med Excited Delirium.pdf
2017_10_05 NEJM Challenges in the Design and Interpretation of Noninferiority Trials.pdf
2017_10_01 JAMA Pediatr Risk Factors for Adverse Events in Emergency Department Procedural Sedation for Children.pdf
2017_10 Injury Straight Leg Elevation to Rule out Pelvic Injury.pdf
2017_09_28 NEJM Oxygen Therapy in Acute Myocardial Infarction.pdf
2017_09_23 BMJ Corticosteroids for sore throat.pdf
2017_09_20 BMJ Corticosteroids for treatment of sore throat - systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials.pdf
2017_09_18 ADC Brief resolved unexplained events (formerly apparent life-threatening events) and evaluation of lower-risk infants.pdf
2017_09_16 BMJ Chronic vertigo - treat with exercise not drugs.pdf
2017_09_07 NEJM Severe and Difficult-to-Treat Asthma.pdf
2017_09 JAMA Effect of Routine Low-Dose Oxygen Supplementation on Death and Disability in Adults With Acute Stroke.pdf
2017_09 EMJ Video recording in the emergency department a pathway to success.pdf
2017_09 EMJ The effect of timing of antibiotic delivery on infection rates related to open fractures a systematic review.pdf
2017_09 EMJ Feasibility of the MACS decision rule to safely reduce unnecessary admissions a pilot RCT.pdf
2017_09 Ann Emerg Med Structured Clinical Decision Aids Are Seldom Compared With Subjective Physician Jugement.pdf
2017_08_31 NEJM Porphyria.pdf
2017_08_19 BMJ Advances in the causes and management of community acquired pneumonia in adults.pdf
2017_08_12 Ann Emerg Med Acute Kidney Injury After Computed Tomography - A Meta-analysis.pdf
2017_08_10 NEJM Migraine.pdf
2017_08_10 NEJM Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.pdf
2017_08_10 NEJM Acute Lung Failure — Our Evolving Understanding of ARDS.pdf
2017_08_09 Acad Emerg Med Predicting Short-term Risk of Arrhythmia among Patients With Syncope The Canadian Syncope Arrhythmia Risk Score.pdf
2017_08_09 Acad Emerg Med Emergency Department use of Apneic Oxygenation Versus Usual Care During Rapid Sequence Intubation.pdf
2017_08_05 BMJ Penicillin allergy getting the lable right.pdf
2017_08_05 BMJ Parkinson's disease summary of updated NICE guidance.pdf
2017_08_01 Ann Emerg Med Diazepam Is No Better Than Placebo When Added to Naproxen for Acute Low Back Pain.pdf
2017_08 EMJ Validating the Manchester Acute Coronary Syndromes and T-MACS rules.pdf
2017_08 EMJ Emergency Department care of childhood epistaxis.pdf
2017_07_27 BMJ Investigating palpitations.pdf
2017_07_22 BMJ Management of patients after primary pci.pdf
2017_07_20 NEJM Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.pdf
2017_07_15 Lancet Simplified diagnostic management of suspected pulmonary embolism (the YEARS study).pdf
2017_07_15 BMJ Lassa fever.pdf
2017_07_08 BMJ Hepatitis C.pdf
2017_07_01 BMJ Open Protocol for a multicentre randomised feasibility STUdy evaluating the impact of a prognostic model for Management of BLunt chest wall trauma patients STUMBL trial.pdf
2017_07 EMJ One hundred years on Ypres and ATLS.pdf
2017_07 EMJ Capnography for procedural sedation in the ED a systematic review.pdf
2017_06_29 NEJM Irritable Bowel Syndrome.pdf
2017_06_17 BMJ Stress at work.pdf
2017_06_17 BMJ Interpreting iron studies.pdf
2017_06_15 NEJM Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Their Recurrence.pdf
2017_06_08 NEJM Time to Treatment and Mortality during Mandated Emergency Care for Sepsis.pdf
2017_06_08 NEJM Management of Septic Shock.pdf
2017_06_08 NEJM Early, Goal-Directed Therapy for Septic Shock — A Patient-Level Meta-Analysis.pdf
2017_06_08 Emergency Medicine Australasia Renal effects of an emergency department chloride‐restrictive intravenous fluid strategy in patients admitted to hospital for more than 48 hours.pdf
2017_06_01 Injury Major incident triage Derivation and comparative analysis of the Modified Physiological Triage Tool (MPTT).pdf
2017_06 EMJ What is a ROC curve.pdf
2017_05_27 Lancet Effect of early tranexamic acid administration on mortality in post-partum haemorrhage - WOMAN trial.pdf
2017_05_27 BMJ Specific antidotes for bleeding associated with direct oral anticoagulants.pdf
2017_05_25 NEJM Acute Myocardial Infarction.pdf
2017_05_18 NEJM Scarlet Fever.pdf
2017_05_05 Ann EM Routinely Sending Patients Home With a 24-Hour Supply of Topical Tetracaine.pdf
2017_05_04 NEJM Traumatic Spondylolisthesis of the Axis.pdf
2017_05_03 Ann EM Levocetirizine and Prednisone Are Not Superior to Levocetirizine Alone for the Treatment of Acute Urticaria.pdf
2017_05 Injury Temporising extradural haematoma by craniostomy using an intraosseous needle.pdf
2017_05 EMJ The use of history to identify anterior cruciate ligament injuries in the acute trauma setting the ‘LIMP index’.pdf
2017_05 EMJ Remifentanil for procedural sedation a systematic review of the literature.pdf
2017_05 EMJ Prehospital resuscitative hysterotomy perimorten caesarean section.pdf
2017_05 EMJ Management of pregnancy and obstetric complications in prehospital trauma care.pdf
2017_05 Ann Emerg Med Risk of Acute Kidney Injury After Intravenous Contrast Media Administration.pdf
2017_05 Ann Emerg Med Outcomes for Emergency Department Patients With Recent-Onset Atrial Fibrillation.pdf
2017_05 Ann Emerg Med Does Rocuronium Create Better Intubating Conditions.pdf
2017_05 Ann Emerg Med Does Amiodarone or Lidocaine Increase Meaningful Survival.pdf
2017_04_29 BMJ A likely urinary tract infection in a pregnant woman.pdf
2017_04_27 NEJM Physical Abuse of Children.pdf
2017_04_22 BMJ Lower urinary tract symptoms in an older man.pdf
2017_04_22 BMJ If your patient doesn’t speak the same language as you.pdf
2017_04_22 BMJ Acute appendicitis.pdf
2017_04_20 NEJM Sickle Cell Disease.pdf
2017_04_15 BMJ Is tonsillectomy recommended in adults with recurrent tonsillitis.pdf
2017_04_15 BMJ Electrical injury.pdf
2017_04_13 Int J Emerg Med Angioedema in the emergency department.pdf
2017_04_08 BMJ A bleeding socket after tooth extraction.pdf
2017_04_07 BMJ Faster clean catch urine collection (Quick-Wee method) from infants randomised controlled trial.pdf
2017_04_06 NEJM Acute Spinal Cord Compression.pdf
2017_04_01 BMJ Exploring thoughts of suicide.pdf
2017_04_01 Ann Emerg Med Emergency Department Visits Without Hospitalization Are Associated With Functional Decline in Older Persons.pdf
2017_04 EMJ Critical care in the Emergency Department organ donation.pdf
2017_04 Ann Emerg Med Quick SOFA Scores Predict Mortality.pdf
2017_03_31 Medicine Accuracy of using serum D-dimer for diagnosis of acute intestinal ischemia.pdf
2017_03_25 BMJ Managing restless leg syndrome.pdf
2017_03_23 NEJM Treatment of Benzodiazepine Dependence.pdf
2017_03_23 NEJM Management of Sciatica.pdf
2017_03_16 NEJM Acute Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding.pdf
2017_03_11 BMJ Emergency care and resuscitation plans.pdf
2017_03_04 BMJ Community acquired pneumonia in children.pdf
2017_03-23 NEJM Trial of Pregabalin for Acute and Chronic Sciatica.pdf
2017_02_25 BMJ Perianal abscess.pdf
2017_02_16 NEJM Opioid-Prescribing Patterns of Emergency Physicians and Risk of Long-Term Use.pdf
2017_02_09 NEJM Thromboprophylaxis after Knee Arthroscopy and Lower-Leg Casting.pdf
2017_02_09 NEJM Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.pdf
2017_02_09 NEJM Approach to Fever in the Returning Traveler.pdf
2017_02_03 Chest Hydrocortisone, Vitamin C, and Thiamine for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock.pdf
2017_02 EMJ Posterior reperfusion T-waves Wellens’ syndrome of the posterior wall.pdf
2017_02 Ann Emerg Med Managing Migraine.pdf
2017_01_28 BMJ Novel psychoactive substances identifying and managing acute and chronic harmful use.pdf
2017_01_28 BMJ Novel psychoactive substances - types, mechanisms of action and effects.pdf
2017_01_26 NEJM Therapeutic Hypothermia after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Children.pdf
2017_01_19 JAMA Surviving Sepsis Guidelines Viewpoint.pdf
2017_01_19 JAMA Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock.pdf
2017_01_18 A Users Guide to the 2016 Surviving Sepsis Guidelines.pdf
2017_01_12 NEJM Tranexamic Acid in Patients Undergoing Coronary-Artery Surgery.pdf
2017_01_12 NEJM Circinate Balanitis.pdf
2017_01_07 BMJ Ischaemic colitis.pdf
2017_01_06 BMJ Low back pain and sciatica summary of NICE guidance.pdf
2017_01_05 NEJM Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy.pdf
2017_01_04 EMJ Traumatic brain injuries in older adult.pdf
2017_01_01 J R Army Med Corps Major incident triage and the implementation of a new triage tool, the MPTT-24.pdf
2017_01 EMJ Lisfranc fracture dislocation.pdf
2017_01 Ann Emerg Med Comparison of Intravenous Ketorolac at Three Single-Dose Regimens.pdf
2016_12_31 EMJ Troponin-only Manchester Acute Coronary Syndromes (T_MACS) Decision Aid.pdf
2016_12 EMJ Use of an anaphylaxis care bundle.pdf
2016_12 EMJ The blue patient.pdf
2016_12 EMJ Impact of Bypass of Non-Specialist Acute Hospitals for TBI.pdf
2016_12 BMJ Open AHEAD Study an observational study of the management of anticoagulated patients who suffer head injury.pdf
2016_11_24 NEJM Thresholds for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair.pdf
2016_11_19 BMJ Managing recovery from concussion.pdf
2016_11_19 BMJ Managing recovery from concussion infographic.pdf
2016_11_17 NEJM Acute Pancreatitis.pdf
2016_11_01 EMJ Put pressure on the cricoid pressure.pdf
2016_11_01 Ann Emerg Med Managing Initial Mechanical Ventilation in the Emergency Department.pdf
2016_11_01 Ann Emerg Med A Randomized Controlled Noninferiority Trial of Oral Dexamethasone Versus 5 Days of Oral Prednisone in Acute Adult Asthma.pdf
2016_11 J Emerg Med Risk of Delayed Intracranial Hemorrhage in Anticoagulated Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.pdf
2016_11 BMJOpen Should all anticoagulated patients with head injury receive a CT scan.pdf
2016_10_29 BMJ Why do we shine lights in the eyes of concious patients after head injury.pdf
2016_10_29 BMJ CONSORT 2010 statement extension to randomised pilot trials.pdf
2016_10_27 NEJM Hepatic Encephalopathy.pdf
2016_10_25 EMJ Reasons and evolution of non-thrombolysis in acute ischaemic stroke.pdf
2016_10_21 EMJ Procedural sedation in the emergency department by Dutch emergency physicians.pdf
2016_10_20 NEJM Prevalence of Pulmonary Embolism among Patients Hospitalized for Syncope.pdf
2016_10_06 NEJM The Health Effects of Electronic Cigarettes.pdf
2016_10_05 Eur Radiol High rates of clinically relevant incidental findings by total-body CT scanning in trauma patients; results of the REACT-2 trial.pdf
2016_10_01 BMJ Does tranexamic acid improve outcomes in traumatic brain injury.pdf
2016_10_01 BJA Education Prehospital organization and management of a mass casualty incident.pdf
2016_10 EMJ Orbital fractures in the emergency department.pdf
2016_09_23 Acad Emerg Med Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.pdf
2016_09_22 NEJM Trial of Decompressive Craniectomy for Traumatic Intercranial Hypertension.pdf
2016_09_22 NEJM Andexanet Alfa for Acute Major Haemorrhage.pdf
2016_09_16 Critical Care The critical care management of spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage a contemporary review.pdf
2016_09_15 NEJM Clinical Examination of the Shoulder.pdf
2016_09_06 CMAJ Development of the Canadian Syncope Risk Score to predict serious adverse events after emergency department assessment of syncope.pdf
2016_09 Resuscitation Dual defibrillation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest A retrospective cohort analysis.pdf
2016_09 Ann Emerg Med Ischaemic conditioning Implications for Emergency Medicine.pdf
2016_08_26 EMJ Capnography for procedural sedation in the ED.pdf
2016_08_25 NEJM Amiodarone pharmacokinetics correspondence .pdf
2016_08_20 BMJ Normal pressure hydrocephalus.pdf
2016_08_18 NEJM Acetaminophen versus Ibuprofen in Young Children with Mild Persistent Asthma.pdf
2016_08_13 BMJ Suspected sepsis summary NG51.pdf
2016_08_13 BMJ How valuable is physical examination of the cardiovascular system.pdf
2016_08_13 Acad Emerg Med Safety of Computer Interpretation of Normal Triage Electrocardiograms.pdf
2016_08_04 NEJM Fire-Related Inhalation Injury.pdf
2016_08_02 EMJ Role of physician perception of patient smile on pretest probability assessment for acute PE.pdf
2016_08_01 Anesthesia & Analgesia Stewart Acid-Base - A Simplified Bedside Approach.pdf
2016_07_28 NEJM Treatment of Opioid-Use Disorders.pdf
2016_07_16 BMJ Routine preoperative tests for elective surgery NG45.pdf
2016_07_12 EMJ External validation of the emergency department assessment of chest pain score accelerated diagnostic pathway (EDACS-ADP).pdf
2016_07_09 BMJ Safety of reduced antibiotic prescribing for self limiting respiratory tract infections.pdf
2016_07_01 Ann Emerg Med Effectiveness of EDACS Versus ADAPT Accelerated Diagnostic Pathways for Chest Pain A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial Embedded Within Practice.pdf
2016_06_28 Lancet Immediate total-body CT scanning versus conventional imaging and selective CT scanning in patients with severe trauma REACT-2.pdf
2016_06_26 BMJ QT interval.pdf
2016_06_26 BMJ Assessment and initial management of major trauma NG39.pdf
2016_06_16 NEJM Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Due to a Peptic Ulcer.pdf
2016_06_11 BMJ Delirium and agitation at the end of life.pdf
2016_06_11 BMJ A voice from the streets about the drug spice.pdf
2016_06_09 NEJM Indacaterol-Glycopyrronium versus Salmeterol-Fluticasone for COPD.pdf
2016_06_09 NEJM Editorial Another Choice for Prevention of COPD Exacerbations.pdf
2016_06_03 BMJ Plantar heel pain.pdf
2016_06 EMJ Should we be looking for and treating isolated calf vein thrombosis.pdf
2016_06 EMJ Management of the anticoagulated trauma patient in the emergency department.pdf
2016_06 EMJ Coagulation assessment with the new generation of oral anticoagulants.pdf
2016_05_28 BMJ Sepsis pathophysiology and clinical management.pdf
2016_05_28 BMJ Do dressings prevent infection of closed primary wounds.pdf
2016_05_21 BMJ Treatments for paracetamol poisoning.pdf
2016_05_21 BMJ Metastatic spinal cord compression.pdf
2016_05_19 Resuscitation Impact brain apnoea – A forgotten cause of cardiovascular collapse in trauma.pdf
2016_05_05 Pediatrics Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (Formerly Apparent Life-Threatening Events) and Evaluation of Lower-Risk Infants.pdf
2016_05_05 Pediatrics Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (Formerly Apparent Life-Threatening Events) and Evaluation of Lower-Risk Infants Executive Summary.pdf
2016_05_05 NEJM Herniated Lumbar Intervertebral Disk.pdf
2016_05_01 Ann Emerg Med A Randomized Trial of Single-Dose Oral Dexamethasone Versus Multidose Prednisolone for Acute Exacerbations of Asthma in Children Who Attend the ED.pdf
2016_05 EMJ Critical care in the emergency department acute kidney injury.pdf
2016_05 EMJ An assessment of PEWS diagnostic accuracy using sensitivity and specificity.pdf
2016_04_30 BMJ Prevention of falls in older people living in the community.pdf
2016_04_02 BMJ Pain at the back of the heel.pdf
2016_04 EMJ The safety of emergency medicine.pdf
2016_04 EMJ Guideline to improve neurological assessment in paediatric fractures.pdf
2016_03_26 BMJ Purpuric and petechial rashes in adults and children.pdf
2016_03_10 NEJM Mesenteric Ischemia.pdf
2016_03_03 EMJ Osseous injuries of the foot an imaging review Part 3 the hindfoot.pdf
2016_03_03 EMJ Osseous injuries of the foot an imaging review Part 2 the midfoot.pdf
2016_03_03 EMJ Osseous injuries of the foot an imaging review Part 1 the forefoot.pdf
2016_03 EMJ Procedural sedation what would the patient like.pdf
2016_03 EMJ Perimortem caesarean section.pdf
2016_02_27 BMJ Overdiagnosis.pdf
2016_02_23 JAMA The Third International Consensus Definition for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3).pdf
2016_02_11 NEJM Urinary Tract Infections in Older Men.pdf
2016_01_28 NEJM Neurobiologic Advances from The Brain Disease Model of Addiction.pdf
2016_01_07 NEJM Viral Bronchiolitis in Children.pdf
2016_01 CJEM Regional Nerve Blocks For Hip and Femoral Neck Fractures - A Systematic Review.pdf
2015_12_31 NEJM Editorial Surgical Irrigation of Open Fractures FLOW trial.pdf
2015_12_31 NEJM A Trial of Wound Irrigation in the Initial Management of Open fracture Wounds.pdf
2015_12_12 BMJ Intravenous fluids in children and young people NG29.pdf
2015_12_01 Pulmonary Hypertension and Right Ventricular Failure in Emergency Medicine.pdf
2015_12 EMJ Challenging the dogma of traumatic cardiac arrest management a military perspective.pdf
2015_11_10 PLoS Medicine Venous Thrombosis Risk after Cast Immobilization of the Lower Extremity Derivation and Validation of a Clinical Prediction Score, L-TRiP(cast).pdf
2015_11_10 BJA Difficult Airway Society 2015 guidelines for management of unanticipated difficult intubation in adults.pdf
2015_11_07 BMJ Patellofemoral pain.pdf
2015_11_01 Respiratory Care A Comprehensive Review of Prone Position in ARDS.pdf
2015_10_31 Lancet Postural modification to the standard Valsalva manoeuvre for emergency treatment of supraventricular tachycardias (REVERT) a randomised controlled trial.pdf
2015_10_31 BMJ Diabetic ketoacidosis in adults.pdf
2015_10_06 PLoS Med Derivation and Validation of Two Decision Instruments for Selective Chest CT in Blunt Trauma.PDF
2015_10 EMJ The Manchester Acute Coronary Syndromes (MACS) decision rule validated with a new automated assay.pdf
2015_09_29 Ann Intern Med Evaluation of Patients With Suspected Acute Pulmonary Embolism.pdf
2015_09_19 BMJ Dengue fever.pdf
2015_09_19 BMJ Assessment and management of facial nerve palsy.pdf
2015_09_12 BMJ The modern diagnosis and management of pleural effusions.pdf
2015_08_22 BMJ Febrile seizures.pdf
2015_08_20 NEJM Screening for Occult Cancer in Unprovoked Venous Thromboembolism.pdf
2015_08_15 BMJ Hepatic encephalopathy.pdf
2015_08_15 BMJ Assessing the painful, uninflamed eye.pdf
2015_08_13 NEJM Troponin and Cardiac Events in Stable Ischemic Heart Disease and Diabetes.pdf
2015_08_06 NEJM Pregnancy Complicated by Venous Thrombosis.pdf
2015_08_01 BMJ Management of sharps injuries.pdf
2015_08 EMJ HEART score and clinical gestalt have similar diagnostic accuracy.pdf
2015_08 EMJ Guidelines for chest drain insertion may not prevent damage to abdominal viscera.pdf
2015_07_25 BMJ Peri-procedural management of patients taking oral anticoagulants.pdf
2015_06_13 BMJ Sepsis in children.pdf
2015_06_11 NEJM Early Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Out-of Hospital Cardiac Arrest.pdf
2015_06_06 BMJ Bronchiolitis in children summary of NICE guideline.pdf
2015_05_30 BMJ Management of the unstable shoulder.pdf
2015_05_21 NEJM Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.pdf
2015_05_21 Alcohol Alcohol Prospective Validation Study of the Prediction of Alcohol Withdrawal Severity Scale (PAWSS).pdf
2015_05 Ann Emerg Med A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of D-dimer as a Rule-out Test for Suspected Acute Aortic Dissection.pdf
2015_04_25 BMJ Drug treatment for adults with HIV infection.pdf
2015_04_16 NEJM Clostridium difficile Infection.pdf
2015_04_13 CMAJ Prospective validation of a 1-hour algorithm to rule-out and rule-in AMI.pdf
2015_04_07 EMJ Critical care in the emergency department acute kidney injury.pdf
2015_04_04 BMJ Management of acute testicular pain in children and adolescents.pdf
2015_04_02 NEJM Trial of Early, Goal-Directed Resuscitation (ProMISe).pdf
2015_04_02 NEJM Emergency Contraception.pdf
2015_04_02 NEJM Antibiotic Treatment Stratagies for Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Adults.pdf
2015_04 EMJ Should we use an age adjusted d-dimer threshold.pdf
2015_04 EMJ Cardiac arrest an infrequent radiological diagnosis.pdf
2015_03_28 BMJ Management of severe acute dental infections.pdf
2015_03_26 NEJM Sciatica.pdf
2015_03_21 BMJ Thrombolysis in acute ischaemic stroke time for a rethink.pdf
2015_03_21 BMJ Sudden cardiac death in athletes.pdf
2015_03_05 NEJM Clinical Management of Potential Bioterrorism-Related Conditions.pdf
2015_03_05 BMJ Diagnosis and management of asthma in children.pdf
2015_03_01 Circulation The HEART Pathway Randomized Trial.pdf
2015_03 EMJ What do hospital mortality rates tell us about quality of care.pdf
2015_03 EMJ Temporal trends in MVC deaths.pdf
2015_03 EMJ Sustained life-like waveform capnography after human cadaveric tracheal intubation.pdf
2015_03 EMJ Best BET VBG in AECOPD.pdf
2015_02_21 BMJ Assessment and management of alcohol use disorders.pdf
2015_02_05 NEJM Acid-Base Problems in Diabetic Ketoacidosis.pdf
2015_02 J Hosp Med Safety of Peripheral Intravenous Administration of Vasoactive Medication.pdf
2015_02 EMJ The ‘who are all these people’ study.pdf
2015_02 EMJ Initial Validation of the International Crowding Measure.pdf
2015_02 EMJ Antidysrhythmic drug therapy for VT.pdf
2015_01_29 NEJM Case 4-2015 Ethylene Glycol Toxicity.pdf
2015_01_15 Lancet Oral prednisolone in preschool children with virus-associated wheeze.pdf
2015_01_15 BMJ Is it a stroke.pdf
2015_01_01 NEJM Wellens' Syndrome.pdf
2015_01_01 NEJM Osmotic Demylination.pdf
2015_01_01 NEJM Disorders of Plasma Sodium.pdf
2015_01 EMJ Diagnostic imaging to investigate for PE in pregnancy.pdf
2015 UROLOGY Can Sexual Intercourse Be an AlternativeTherapy for Distal Ureteral Stones.pdf
2015 Lancet High-sensitivity cardiac troponin I at presentation in patients with suspected ACS.pdf
2015 Endoscopy Diagnosis and management of nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage (ESGE) Guideline.pdf
2015 Clin Chem High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T Concentrations below the Limit of Detection to Exclude AMI.pdf
2015 Ann R Coll Surg Engl Management of open lower limb injuries in South West England and Wales.pdf
2014_12_18 NEJM Acute Pericarditis.pdf
2014_12_11 NEJM Lactic Acidosis.pdf
2014_12_10 BMJ Ebola virus disease.pdf
2014_11_27 NEJM Recognition and Management of Withdrawal Delirium.pdf
2014_11_27 NEJM Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.pdf
2014_11_06 NEJM Integration of Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders.pdf
2014_11 J Orthop Trauma Time to initial Operative Treatment Following Open Fracture Does Not Impact Development of Deep Infection.pdf
2014_11 EMJ Procedural sedation with propofol for emergency DC cardioversion.pdf
2014_11 EMJ IFEM framework for quality and safety in the ED.pdf
2014_10_23 NEJM Community-Acquired Pneumonia.pdf
2014_10_16 NEJM Goal-Directed Resuscitation for Patients with Early Septic Shock - ARISE.pdf
2014_10_09 NEJM Physiological Approach to Assessment of Acid-Base Disorders.pdf
2014_10_09 NEJM Lower versus Higher Hemoglobin Threshold for Septic Shock.pdf
2014_10 EMJ Free Open Access Meducation (FOAM).pdf
2014_09_27 BMJ Should we take patients in cardiac arrest to hospital.pdf
2014_09_18 NEJM Case 29-2014 PE.pdf
2014_08_21 NEJM Aortic-Valve Stenosis.pdf
2014_08_12 BMJ Acute pancreatitis.pdf
2014_07_31 NEJM Brain Abscess.pdf
2014_07_03 BMJ Investigation of suspected urinary tract infection in older people.pdf
2014_06_12 NEJM Case 18 Dermatomyositis.pdf
2014_06_05 NEJM Pregnancy and Infection.pdf
2014_06 EMJ Hypoxia, haemorrhage and hypotension.pdf
2014_05_29 NEJM Traumatic Intracranial Hypertension.pdf
2014_05_23 BMJ Should we advise patients with sutures not to swim.pdf
2014_05_19 BMJ Posterior circulation ischaemic stroke.pdf
2014_05_14 Critical Care Predicting outcomes after blunt chest wall trauma development and external validation of a new prognostic model.pdf
2014_05_14 Crit Care Predicting outcomes after blunt chest wall trauma development and external validation of a new prognostic model.pdf
2014_05_08 BMJ Spontaneous pneumothorax.pdf
2014_05_08 BMJ Procedural Sedation in The Emergency Department.pdf
2014_05_01 J Bone Joint Surg Am Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolism Uncommon without Thromboprophylaxis After Isolated Lower-Limb Fracture (KAF).pdf
2014_05 EMJ Fluid on the chest.pdf
2014_04_30 Heart The Manchester Acute Coronary Syndromes (MACS) decision rule for suspected cardiac chest pain derivation and external validation.pdf
2014_04_22 BMJ Gallstones.pdf
2014_04_15 BMJ First seizures in adults.pdf
2014_04_02 BMJ Splenic trauma.pdf
2014_04 EMJ Observation is unnecessary following a normal CT brain in warfarinised head injuries.pdf
2014_04 EMJ Modified TIMI risk score cannot be used to identify low-risk chest pain.pdf
2014_03_26 BMJ Derivation and validation of a clinical prediction rule for uncomplicated ureteral stone - The STONE score.pdf
2014_03_10 BMJ Management of sickle cell disease in the community.pdf
2014_03_10 BMJ Exclusion of deep vein thrombosis using the Wells rule.pdf
2014_03 Am Heart J DETermination of the role of OXygen in suspected Acute Myocardial Infarction trial.pdf
2014_02_21 BMJ Severe accidental hypothermia.pdf
2014_02_10 BMJ Management of traumatic amputations of the upper limb.pdf
2014_02_07 BMJ Pain at the base of the thumb.pdf
2014_02_04 BMJ Managing wheeze in preschool children.pdf
2014_02_01 BMJ Should children who have cardiac arrest be treated with therapeutic hypothermia.pdf
2014_01_25 BMJ Early management of head injury CG176 summary.pdf
2014_01_23 NEJM Acute Osteomyelitis in Children.pdf
2014_01_06 BMJ Abortion.pdf
2014_01 Ann Emerg Med Surviving Sepsis 2012 Update for Emergency Physicians.pdf
2014 JAMA Intern Med 2-hour diagnostic protocol for possible cardiac chest pain in the emergency department.pdf
2013_12_30 BMJ Diagnosis, management, and prevention of rotavirus.pdf
2013_12_09 BMJ Tick bite prevention and tick removal.pdf
2013_12_05 NEJM Targeted Temperature Management at 33 versus 36 after Cardiac Arrest.pdf
2013_12_03 BMJ Polymyalgia rheumatica.pdf
2013_12 EMJ The prehospital management of pelvic fractures - initial consensus statement.pdf
2013_12 EMJ Pre-hospital spinal immobilisation.pdf
2013_12 EMJ Pharmacologically assisted laryngeal mask insertion.pdf
2013_12 EMJ Minimal patient handling.pdf
2013_11_11 BMJ Central venous catheters.pdf
2013_11_05 Br J Haematol Single whole-leg compression ultrasound for exclusion of deep vein thrombosis in symptomatic ambulatory patients.pdf
2013_10_21 BMJ An introduction to advance care planning in practice.pdf
2013_10_12 BMJ Identifying brain tumours in children and young adults.pdf
2013_10_05 BMJ Gout.pdf
2013_10 Acad Emerg Med HINTS Outperforms ABCD2 to Screen for Stroke in Acute Continuous Vertigo and Dizziness.pdf
2013_09_28 BMJ Investigating stable chest pain of suspected cardiac.pdf
2013_09_28 BMJ Editorial Concussion and sport.pdf
2013_09_14 BMJ Personality disorder.pdf
2013_09_05 NEJM Door-to-Balloon Time and Mortality.pdf
2013_09_01 Circulation Induction of Therapeutic Hypothermia During Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Using a Rapid Infusion of Cold Saline - The RINSE Trial.pdf
2013_08_29 NEJM Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock.pdf
2013_08_29 BMJ Dyspepsia.pdf
2013_08_07 JAMA Surg NEXUS Chest Validation of a Decision Instrument for Selective Chest Imaging in Blunt Trauma.pdf
2013_07_22 BMJ High sensitivity cardiac troponin in patients with chest pain.pdf
2013_07_16 BMJ Transfusing blood safely and appropriately.pdf
2013_07_13 BMJ Acute MI summary of NICE guidelines.pdf
2013_07 EMJ Acute Gastric Dilatation.pdf
2013_06_19 BMJ Diagnosis and management of first trimester miscarriage.pdf
2013_06_15 BMJ Glaucoma.pdf
2013_06_08 BMJ Managing unscheduled bleeding in non-pregnant premenopausal women.pdf
2013_05_21 BMJ Investigation and treatment of imported malaria.pdf
2013_05_18 BMJ Safeguarding adults at risk of harm.pdf
2013_05_09 NEJM Enteropathogens and Chronic Illness in Returning Travelers.pdf
2013_05_03 BMJ Diagnostic accuracy of conventional or age adjusted D-dimer cut-off values in older patients with suspected venous thromboembolism systematic review and meta-analysis.pdf
2013_05_02 NEJM Surgery versus Physical Therapy for a Meniscal Tear and Osteoarthritis.pdf
2013_05_02 NEJM Injuries.pdf
2013_05 CMAJ Tramadol.pdf
2013_04_20 BMJ Pulmonary hypertension diagnosis and management.pdf
2013_04_18 NEJM Editorial Adrenal Dysfunction in Critically Ill Patients.pdf
2013_04_13 BMJ Leukaemia update Part 2.pdf
2013_04_11 NEJM Infective Endocarditis.pdf
2013_04_06 BMJ Leukaemia update Part 1.pdf
2013_03_30 BMJ Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy.pdf
2013_03_23 BMJ Diagnosis and management of carotid atherosclerosis.pdf
2013_03_16 BMJ Achilles tendon disorders.pdf
2013_03_15 BMJ Grappling with concussion.pdf
2013_03_14 NEJM Family Presence during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.pdf
2013_03_10 NEJM Fibrinolysis or Primary PCI in STEMI.pdf
2013_02_20 BMJ Diagnosis and management of pulmonary embolism.pdf
2013_02_16 BMJ Anaphylaxis the acute episode and beyond.pdf
2013_02_09 BMJ Ulcerative colitis.pdf
2013_02_02 NEJM Tuberculosis.pdf
2013_02 Surgeon The Isolated Lateral Malleolar Fracture.pdf
2013_02 Surgeon Non-Orthopaedic Devices.pdf
2013_01_26 BMJ Psychosis & Schizophrenia in Children (CG155).pdf
2013_01_24 NEJM Alcohol Use in Adults.pdf
2013_01_03 NEJM Transfusion Strategies for Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding.pdf
2013_01_03 NEJM Blood Transfusion for Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage Editorial.pdf
2013 _08_01 Ann Emerg Med Identifying Children at Very Low Risk of Clinically Important Blunt Abdominal Injuries.pdf
2013 Ann Emerg Med Nontraumatic SAH in the setting of negative CT.pdf
2012_12_27 NEJM Continuous Renal-Replacement Therapy for Acute Kidney Injury.pdf
2012_12_27 NEJM A Trial of Intracranial-Pressure Monitoring in Traumatic Brain Injury.pdf
2012_12_20 NEJM Alcohol Withdrawal.pdf
2012_12_15 BMJ CG154 Ectopic Pregnancy and Miscarriage.pdf
2012_12_14 EMJ Hypothermia in trauma.pdf
2012_12_01 Br J Anaesth Haemostatic resuscitation.pdf
2012_12 EMJ Sensitive troponin assay predicts outcome.pdf
2012_11_22 NEJM Low-Dose Aspirin for Prevention of Recurrent Venous Thromboembolism.pdf
2012_11_22 NEJM Case 36 Trauma and Burns.pdf
2012_11_15 NEJM Accidental Hypothermia.pdf
2012_10_25 NEJM Radiofrequency Ablation as Initial Therapy in Paroxysmal Atrial fibrillation.pdf
2012_10_23 BMJ Minor incised traumatic laceration.pdf
2012_10_11 NEJM Evaluation an Initial Treatment of SVT.pdf
2012_10_04 NEJM Prasugrel versus Clopidogrel for Acute Coronary Syndromes without Revascularization.pdf
2012_10_01 Otolaryngol Clin N Am Epistaxis A Contemporary Evidence Based Approach.pdf
2012_09_27 NEJM Hepatitis E.pdf
2012_09_20 NEJM Acute Bacterial Sinusitis in Children.pdf
2012_09_19 BMJ Neutropenic Sepsis.pdf
2012_09_13 NEJM Melioidosis.pdf
2012_09 EMJ Prehospital tracheal intubation in severe facial trauma.pdf
2012_08_30 NEJM Paraneoplastic Stiff Person Syndrome.pdf
2012_08_23 NEJM Hyperosmolar Therapy for Raised Intracranial Pressure.pdf
2012_08_09 NEJM Diagnosis of Diabetes.pdf
2012_08_07 Nephron Clin Pract KDIGO Clinical Practice Guidelines for Acute Kidney Injury.pdf
2012_08 EMJ BET Investigating flank pain.pdf
2012_07_20 BMJ Necrotising Fasciitis.pdf
2012_07_12 NEJM Hydroxyethyl Starch versus Ringer's Acetate in Severe Sepsis.pdf
2012_07_06 NEJM At A Loss - Wernicke’s Case.pdf
2012_06_26 Anaesthesia Multidisciplinary guidelines for the management of tracheostomy and laryngectomy airway emergencies.pdf
2012_06_23 Lancet The benefits and harms of intravenous thrombolysis IST-3.pdf
2012_06_15 EMJ Improving the diagnosis of CNS infections with a Lumbar Puncture Pack.pdf
2012_06_14 NEJM Guillain-Barré Syndrome.pdf
2012_06_01 Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol Brugada Syndrome.pdf
2012_06 EMJ Emergency department crowding.pdf
2012_06 Ann Emerg Med Immediate and Delayed Traumatic Intracranial Haemorrhage in Patients with Head Trauma and Pre-Injury Warfarin or Clopidogrel Use.pdf
2012_05_31 NEJM Drowning.pdf
2012_05_24 NEJM Aspirin for Preventing the Recurrence of VTE.pdf
2012_05_21 BMJ Effect of tranexamic acid on surgical bleeding.pdf
2012_05_17 NEJM Secondary Prevention after Ischemic Stroke or TIA.pdf
2012_05_12 BMJ Incisional hernias.pdf
2012_05_04 BMC Urology Effectiveness of intravenous lidocaine versus intravenous morphine for patients with renal colic.pdf
2012_04_05 NEJM Glycaemic Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.pdf
2012_04 EMJ Cocaine-associated chest pain.pdf
2012_04 EMJ Knowledge of radiation exposure.pdf
2012_03_15 NEJM Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection.pdf
2012_03 EMJ Diagnostic accuracy of nitroglycerine as a test of treatment for cardiac chest pain.pdf
2012_03 Ann Emerg Med Preoxygenation and Prevention of Desaturation During Emergency Airway Management.pdf
2012_02_10 EMJ Critical care in the emergency department massive haemorrhage in trauma.pdf
2012_02_01 J Bone Joint Surg Closed Treatment of Overriding Distal Radial Fractures without Reduction in Children.pdf
2012_02 EMJ Value of a rigid collar in addition to head blocks.pdf
2012_01_11 BMJ The diagnosis and management of aortic dissection.pdf
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2012 J Am Coll Cardiol 2-hour accelerated diagnostic protocol to assess patients with chest pain syndromes The ADAPT trial.pdf
2012 EHJ Third Universal Definition of MI.pdf
2012 Br J Anaesth Adverse event reporting tool.pdf
2011_12_01 EMJ Future research in emergency medicine explanation or pragmatism Large or small Simple or complex.pdf
2011_11_14 BMJ Renal transplantation.pdf
2011_11_10 The Surgeon Wet or Dry Bandages for Plaster Backslabs.pdf
2011_05_24 Circulation Sensitivity of the Aortic Dissection Detection Risk Score.pdf
2011_05 Ann Emerg Med Clinical Practice Guideline for Emergency Department Ketamine Dissociative Sedation 2011 Update.pdf
2011_04_02 Lancet 50-year mortality trends in children and young people a study of 50 low-income, middle-income, and high-income countries.pdf
2011_04 EMJ Intranasal ketamine.pdf
2011_04 EMJ GEMNet guideline for the management of tricyclic antideprassant overdose.pdf
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2011_01_27 BMJ Steroids and bronchodilators for acute bronchiolitis.pdf
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2011 BMJ Sensitivity of computed tomography performed within six hours of onset of headache for diagnosis of subarachnoid haemorrhage.pdf
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2010_07_15 Stroke Addition of Brain Infarction to the ABCD2 Score (ABCD2I).pdf
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2010_02 J Am Coll Cardiol The ROSE (Risk Stratification of Syncope in the Emergency Department) Study.pdf
2009_12 EMJ Clinical diagnosis of ACS.pdf
2009_11_19 BMJ Wards of the Roses.pdf
2009_11 Stroke HINTS to Diagnose Stroke in the Acute Vestibular Syndrome.pdf
2009_09 EMJ Use of atropine in a nerve agent response in children.pdf
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2009_04_11 BMJ Cauda equina syndrome.pdf
2009_04 EMJ Parkland Tables.pdf
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2009_04 Ann Emerg Med Quebec Guidelines Reporting Adverse Events for ED Procedural Sedation.pdf
2009_03 NEJM Clopidogrel for AF.pdf
2009_03 Heart Routine Use of Oxygen in MI.pdf
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2009_03 EMJ Use of AXR.pdf
2009_02_14 Lancet Mechanical supports for acute, severe ankle sprain.pdf
2009_01_03 BMJ The rational clinical examination in emergency care.pdf
2009_01_03 BMJ Elbow extension test to rule out elbow fracture.pdf
2009_01 NEJM Oral Prednisolone for Preschool Children with Acute Virus-Induced Wheezing.pdf
2009 Lancet Outpatient management of patients with low-risk upper GI haemorrhage.pdf
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2009 BMJ Implementation of the Canadian C-Spine Rule.pdf
2008_12_18 NEJM Thrombolysis during Resuscitation.pdf
2008_11_19 BMJ Information sheets for patients with acute chest pain.pdf
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2008_09_25 NEJM Thrombolysis with Alteplase 3 to 4.5 Hours after Acute Ischemic Stroke - ECASS III Trial.pdf
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2008_06_16 Neth Heart J Chest pain in the emergency room value of the HEART score.pdf
2008_05_08 Heart The pharmaco-invasive approach to STEMI.pdf
2008_05_05 Circulation Hands-on Defibrillation - An Analysis of Electrical Current Flow Through Rescuers in Direct Contact With Patients During Biphasic External Defibrillation.pdf
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2008_04_16 JAMA Gizmo Idolatry.pdf
2008_03 Ann Emerg Med Low Diagnostic Yeald of ECG Testing in Younger Patients With Syncope.pdf
2008_03 Acad EM Point of Care Testing and acs.pdf
2008_01_19 BMJ Imaging after trauma to the neck.pdf
2008_01 NEJM Hydrocortisone in shock.pdf
2008_01 EMJ Surviving Sepsis Campaign Commentary.pdf
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2008 Lancet Prednisolone and valaciclovir in Bell’s palsy.pdf
2008 JAMA Prehospital Termination of Resuscitation.pdf
2007_12_01 Ann Emerg Med Cricoid Pressure in Emergency Department Rapid Sequence Tracheal Intubations A Risk-Benefit Analysis.pdf
2007_12 Rev Esp Cardiol The New Coagulation Cascade and Its Possible Influence on the Delicate Balance Between Thrombosis and Hemorrhage.pdf
2007_11_01 J Pediatr The Pediatric Respiratory Assessment Measure A Valid Clinical Score for Assessing Acute Asthma Severity from Toddlers to Teenagers - PRAM.pdf
2007_11 EMJ Role of BNP in risk stratification of adult syncope.pdf
2007_10 EMJ Manchester Self-Harm Rule.pdf
2007_08 ADC Topical lignocaine for otitis media.pdf
2007_07 Injury Major trauma & cervical clearance radiation.pdf
2007_07 EMJ Payment by results a guide for emergency physicians.pdf
2007_06 EMJ Management of Macroscopic Haematuria in The Emergency Department.pdf
2007_05 EMJ Risk Stratification of Syncope.pdf
2007_03 Clin Pharmacol Ther Concentrations of Tramadol and O-desmethyltramadol Enantiomers in Different CYP2D6 Genotypes.pdf
2007_03 Ann Emerg Med RCT Intranasal Fentanyl in children.pdf
2007_01_27 Lancet Validation and refinement of scores to predict very early stroke risk after transient ischaemic attack - Johnston ABCD2.pdf
2007_01 NEJM Concussion Review.pdf
2007 EHJ Universal Definition of MI.pdf
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2006_09 EMJ Severe sepsis and septic shock.pdf
2006_09 EMJ Rheumatic diseases review.pdf
2006_08 EMJ Early Goal Directed Therapy - a UK prospective.pdf
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2006_01 BMJ Pulmonary embolism in hospital practice.pdf
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2006 Arch Dis Child Management of decreased concious level.pdf
2005_12_24 BMJ The case of the disappearing teaspoons.pdf
2005_10 EMJ NICE head injury guidelines Legal Mandate.pdf
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2005_08_22 EMJ Monitoring the critically ill.pdf
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2005_06 EMJ Outpatient diagnosis of pulmonary embolism - MIOPED trial.pdf
2005_03_17 NEJM The Serotonin Syndrome.pdf
2005_02 Anaesthesiology Cricoid Pressure in RSI.pdf
2005_01_07 EMJ Critical care transfers.pdf
2005_01 EMJ Tension Pneumothorax review.pdf
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2004_10_09 Lancet Effect of intravenous corticosteroids on death within 14 days in 10008 adults with clinically significant head injury (MRC CRASH trial) randomised placebo-controlled trial.pdf
2004_08_10 J Thromb Haemost Clinical Criteria to Prevent Unnecessary Diagnostic in emergency department patients with suspected pulmonary embolism (PERC).pdf
2004_03 Ann Emerg Med Sterile Versus Nonsterile Gloves for Repair of Uncomplicated Lacerations in the Emergency Department A Randomized Controlled Trial.pdf
2004_02 Ann Emerg Med Derivation of the San Francisco Syncope Rule.pdf
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2003_12_01 Dermatol Surg The Use of a ‘‘No-Touch’’ Technique.pdf
2003_12 NEJM Canadian C Spine vs NEXUS.pdf
2003_12 Ann Emerg Med Propofol Sedation for paediatric procedures.pdf
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2002_10 NEJM Alteplase in pulmonary embolism.pdf
2002_08_10 BMJ Suturing versus conservative management of lacerations of the hand.pdf
2002_07_18 NEJM Rapid Measurement of BNP in The Emergency Diagnosis of Heart Failure.pdf
2002_02_21 NEJM Treatment of Comatose Survivors of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest with Induced Hypothermia.pdf
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2001_11_08 NEJM Early Goal-directed therapy in The Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock.pdf
2001_07_17 Ann Int Med Excluding Pulmonary Embolism at the Bedside without Diagnostic Imaging Management of Patients with Suspected Pulmonary.pdf
2001_04_01 Stroke The ICH Score A Simple, Reliable Grading Scale for Intracerebral Hemorrhage.pdf
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2000_02_01 EMJ The laws of violence.pdf
1999_03_16 Ann Intern Med A More Accurate Method To Estimate Glomerular Filtration Rate. Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study.pdf
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1998_12_15 Ann Emerg Med Use of a Clinical Model for Safe Management of Patients with Suspected Pulmonary Embolism - Wells Score.pdf
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